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Monitoring Business Processes with Queries VLDB2007 CatrielBeeri, AnatEyal, Tova Milo, AlonPilberg 2008. 3. 7 Summarized by Gong GI Hyun, IDS Lab., Seoul.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Business Processes with Queries VLDB2007 CatrielBeeri, AnatEyal, Tova Milo, AlonPilberg 2008. 3. 7 Summarized by Gong GI Hyun, IDS Lab., Seoul."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Business Processes with Queries VLDB2007 CatrielBeeri, AnatEyal, Tova Milo, AlonPilberg 2008. 3. 7 Summarized by Gong GI Hyun, IDS Lab., Seoul National University

2 Copyright  2006 by CEBT BPEL  Business Processes Execution Language (BPEL)  Process spec. represented in XML operations (atomic/ compound activities) flow and data  Designed using visual tools Graphs of nodes and edges  Compiled into executable code & run on any BPEL application server  The recent BPEL standard provides an XML-based Language to describe both the Interface exposed by a process Its full operational logic / Execution flow. IDS Lab. Seminar - 2Center for E-Business Technology

3 Copyright  2006 by CEBT BP Management System  BP Management Systems are a software platforms that facilitate the definition, deployment, execution, and monitoring of BPs.  Monitoring BP Guarantee fair play: notify on too many cancels Maintain Service level: monitor response time Promotions: prizes for the x10,000 transaction Illegal access: notify on buyers attempt to confirm bids without registering first IDS Lab. Seminar - 3Center for E-Business Technology

4 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Examples…  Guarantee fair play: notify on too many cancels IDS Lab. Seminar - 4Center for E-Business Technology

5 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Examples…  Maintain Service level : monitor response time IDS Lab. Seminar - 5Center for E-Business Technology

6 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Examples…  Promotions: prizes for the x10,000 transaction IDS Lab. Seminar - 6Center for E-Business Technology

7 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Examples…  Illegal access: notify on buyers attempt to confirm bids without registering first IDS Lab. Seminar - 7Center for E-Business Technology

8 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Background and Challenges  BPM systems send process traces as events Very large field. active database, publish-subscribe, production system, temporal logic,… IDS Lab. Seminar - 8Center for E-Business Technology Current ApproachOur Approach Abstraction levelEvents, Spec Write queries the same way as the spec EfficiencyGeneric Optimization Exploit knowledge of the spec Implement & Deployment Propriety language Not portable Run everywhere Portable

9 Copyright  2006 by CEBT BP-Mon : Contributions  Query Abstraction level High level graphical query language Tight analogy to the spec  Efficiency Dedicated efficient automata based Algorithm Optimizations based on analysis of spec Pruning of redundant monitoring  Implementation & Deployment Compiles a BP-Mon query into a BPEL process Easy deployment, portability Minimal overhead IDS Lab. Seminar - 9Center for E-Business Technology

10 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Model : Event IDS Lab. Seminar - 10Center for E-Business Technology

11 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Model : Execution Trace  Nodes Activation Completion  Timestamps 11:32:00…  Edges Flow Zoom-in Zoom,out IDS Lab. Seminar - 11Center for E-Business Technology

12 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Model : Execution Pattern  EX-pattern: EX- trace without timestamps  A query defines a set of EX-patterns obtained by Rep Replacing with arbitrary number of copies Or choosing an internal trace& replacing IDS Lab. Seminar - 12Center for E-Business Technology

13 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Pattern Matching  Data structures for BackTracking Events-list – Contains trace nodes that may need to be (re)processed. – Each new event node is appended to its end. Tested – Contains computed nodes. Current-event (variable) – Points to an event in the events-list that the state need to process. IDS Lab. Seminar - 13Center for E-Business Technology

14 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Pattern Matching IDS Lab. Seminar - 14Center for E-Business Technology

15 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Optimization  Avoid redundant processing / Record only useful history.  Remove Irrelevance & Inconsistency Nodes Activity o is irrelevant to query node n – if there is no EX-trace of S where it participates in an embedding. Activity o is inconsistent with EX-pattern p – if p cannot be embedded into any EX-trace of S that contains an activation event of o. IDS Lab. Seminar - 15Center for E-Business Technology

16 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Implementation : Architecture IDS Lab. Seminar - 16Center for E-Business Technology

17 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Implementation : Visual Interface IDS Lab. Seminar - 17Center for E-Business Technology

18 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Experiments Results IDS Lab. Seminar - 18Center for E-Business Technology

19 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Conclusion  User friendly query language for monitoring BPs: Graphical and intuitive (wizard)  Algorithm Irrelevancy & inconsistency  Implementation Compiles into BPEL=> Easy deployment, portability, and minimal overhead  Future work Querying/mining logs Incomplete information Application to software monitoring and verification More optimization IDS Lab. Seminar - 19Center for E-Business Technology

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