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Facebook API Kelly Orser. Client Libraries Client libraries will simplify the calls to the platform by reducing the amount of code you have to write.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook API Kelly Orser. Client Libraries Client libraries will simplify the calls to the platform by reducing the amount of code you have to write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook API Kelly Orser

2 Client Libraries Client libraries will simplify the calls to the platform by reducing the amount of code you have to write. If you don’t use a client library then will have to do the following for each method call: –Construct a signature –Create and send a HTTP POST request –Parse the XML result of the request

3 Example Clients Facebook Clients –PHP5 –Java Independent Clients –ActionScript –Cocoa –PHP4 –Ruby –Python –VB.NET

4 Methods The facebook API currently has 20 methods that can be used to get information from facebook accounts.

5 Authentication facebook.auth.createToken –creates an auth_token to be passed in as a parameter to login.php facebook.auth.getSession –returns the session key bound to an auth_token

6 Facebook Query Language Facebook.fql.query –FQL is a way to query the same facebook data you can access through the other API functions, but with a SQL style interface. –SELECT name, affiliations FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=211031) AND "Facebook" IN AND uid < 10

7 Events –returns all visible events according to the filters specified –returns membership list data associated with an event

8 Friends facebook.friends.areFriends –returns whether or not each pair of specified users is friends with each other facebook.friends.get –returns the identifiers of the current user’s Facebook friends facebook.friends.getAppUsers –returns the identifiers of the current user’s Facebook friends who are currently signed in

9 Groups facebook.groups.get –returns all visible groups according to the filters specified facebook.groups.getMembers –returns membership list data associated with a group

10 Notifications facebook.notifications.get –returns information on outstanding Facebook notifications for current session user. –such as messages, friend requests, pokes, group invites and event invites

11 Photos –adds a tag with the given information to a photo –creates and returns a new album owned by the current session user –returns all visible photos according to the filters specified

12 Photos –returns metadata about all of the photo albums uploaded by the specified user –returns the set of user tags on all photos specified –uploads a photo owned by the current session user and returns the new photo

13 Users facebook.users.getInfo –returns the information in a users profile facebook.users.getLoggedInUser –gets the user id associated with the current session

14 Responses Each of these methods can have a different response format depending on what you are programming in. –JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) –XML –Facebook PHP Client

15 Links Facebook Developers Facebook Developers Client Libraries Client Libraries Facebook Applications Facebook Applications Test Console Test Console

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