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3.4. Carriers. 1.Carriers exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics that indicate conformational changes during transport. Carriers exhibit saturation kinetics.

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Presentation on theme: "3.4. Carriers. 1.Carriers exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics that indicate conformational changes during transport. Carriers exhibit saturation kinetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.4. Carriers

2 1.Carriers exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics that indicate conformational changes during transport. Carriers exhibit saturation kinetics.

3 Carriers undergo conformational changes during transport (ex, The activity of carrier C)

4 2. Carriers translocate a wide variety of inorganic and small organic solutes with high specificity. 1) Inorganic nutrients: NH 4+, NO 3-, P i, K +, SO 4 2-, Cl - 2) Organic solutes: sugars, amino acids, purine and pyrimidine bases

5 Functions of carriers 1. At plasma membrane, - nutrient uptake - the mobilization and storage of metabolites. 2. At endomembrane, - sequestration of ions (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, No3-, sugars, aa)

6 3. Most plant carriers are energized by coupling to pmf.

7 4. Molecular identification of carriers defines them as members of the major facilitator superfamily Functional analysis 1.By yeast complementation 2.By protein expression in Oocytes

8 Observation of plant carriers expressed in heterologous systems can provide into carrier function

9 Structural model illustrating the orientation of a generalized carrier in a membrane

10 Localization of the sucrose transporter SUC2 to companion cells of the phloem A.Immunofluorescent localization of SUC2 in Arabidopsis stems. B. Same section as in A but viewed with transmitted light. P: phloem X: xylem

11 Localization of the sucrose transporter SUT1 to sieve elements A.Immunofluorescent localization of SUT1 in a longitudinal section of a potato stems. B. Silver-enhanced Immunogold localization of SUT1 in cross-section of a potato petiole sp: sieve plate n: nucleus cc: companion cells

12 6. Regulation of carrier activity 1) By transcriptional control 2) By post-translational control

13 Low K + : 40 uM, High K + : 2 mM Different transcription of AtKUP2 and AtKUP3

14 7. In some cases, ion-coupled solute transport involves Na + rather than H + 1. Na + symport have been found. 2. Na + coupling of K + transport has been proved by a wheat cDNA a. Uptake of NO3 - and some amino acids is Na + -dependent b. uptake of K + at micromolar concentration is also Na + -dependent

15 Acetabularia, a marine algae

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