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Published byClinton Marshall O’Connor’ Modified over 9 years ago
Next Steps In Applied Antineutrino Physics at LLNL
Monitoring happens once per year now Can do as well as needed approaching S.Q., don’t need to do SQ, they don’t do SQ. Long term goal is state of the art Show error bars on slide 16 (plot) Required by IAEA safegaurds (plutonium inventory for reprocessing) Muon and gamma backgrounds Cladnestine production not allowed Positive spin on talk Current data with cuts Adam Bernstein, Group Leader, Advanced Detectors Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Dec
Outline LLNL/SNL Work to Date
Thoughts about Practical Near-Field Monitoring Next Steps at LLNL Range Extension: Studies of Argon Coherent Scatter Detection Understanding Backgrounds and Operating at the Surface of the Earth White Paper Status
“Standard” Applied Antineutrino Physics at LLNL/SNL
Determine on/off status within 5 hours with 99.9% C.L. Measure thermal power to 3% in one week Track Pu content to ~50 kg - with known power and initial fuel content burnup model with one free parameter Time in hours 130 Detector is stable to ~ 1%; burnup is ~ 10% J. App. Phys. publication pending Relative count rate 1.5 tons 235U consumed 250 kg Pu produced Continuous, non-intrusive, self-calibrated, unattended, low cost and channel count, operable for months to years with rare maintenance NIM A 572 (2007)
What is Needed for Near-Field Cooperative Monitoring and Safeguards ?
3x3x3 meter deployment at SONGS is already demonstrably non-intrusive for reactor operators Acceptance depends on ability to meet diversion detection goals, cost, ease of use and operator/IAEA acceptance - not primarily on the physical footprint there is plenty of physical space with overburden in many safeguarded reactors worldwide New designs will be non-toxic, have negligible flammability, no cryogenics, be self-calibrated and easy to deploy For Near-Field Monitoring at meters, Inverse Beta Detectors May Suffice What is the Use of Coherent Scatter Detectors ? Above-Ground Detection Would Expand Deployment Opportunities
Basic Principles of Coherent Scattering
Antineutrino ν + Ar → ν + Ar Energies E(MeV) <Erecoil> (keV) Reactor 1 8 2.5 Solar 2 15 9.0 Supernova 10 50 100 Neutrino-nucleus scatter coherent for En < 50 MeV (in Argon) supernova, solar, reactor neutrinos Recoil energies among noble elements Argon (Z=18) gives the greatest number of detectable ionizations per unit mass dP*dR < 1 (momentum transfer) (saying wavelength is better than momentum transfer) Freedom to adjust E fields independently. Not, one is larger than the other Atomic Number Cross-section Neutron Number
Beyond Cross-Section: Detectable Coherent Scatter Rates For Reactor Monitoring
Discovery - Ge and Ar both have potential Exploitation – Argon enjoys scalability and (possibly) cost advantages Element A N Events Per Kg/Day/3GWt – 25 m standoff Assumptions Ar 40 22 4 20 >2 primary electrons >1 primary electron Germanium 72 41 2 28 330 eV threshold 100 eV threshold Charged Current for comparison - 0.6 1.5 10% efficiency (SONGS) 25% efficiency (Palo Verde) Full CNS detection efficiency required for any significant reduction in footprint Near-field deployment needs already well met with well engineered inverse beta detectors There may be promise in scaling to kilometer ranges
1-10 primary ionization electrons (after quenching
1-10 primary scintillation photons in liquid – very difficult to see these 1-10 primary ionization electrons (after quenching >~25 photoelectrons per primary electron Herein lies the signal This signal strength has already been measured in existing ten kg noble detectors
Predicted Signal and Background in a 10 kg detector
Ar-39 the dominant background: what can be done about it ? The neutrino signal including nuclear quenching Modest (few cm) passive shields suffice to screen external backgrounds In this simulation: external neutrons and gammas, internal Ar-39 Not yet in this simulation: PMTs ~10000 emitted gammas per day (20 mBq/tube)
Are PMT Backgrounds Manageable ?
~10,000 decays per day total from PMTs - must incorporate in model Simulated internal backgrounds In 100 kg xenon detector (5 keV threshold) 104 suppression Fiducial and energy cuts should suppress these: most PMT gammas will be above energy threshold or multiply scatter Real backgrounds 10 kg xenon detector (4.5 keV threshold) 59 days livetime
The Ar-39 beta background
565 keV endpoint – 0.9 Bq/kg in Natural Argon An important background for coherent scatter Gram quantities of depleted Ar created by recovery from underground natural gas reserves (Princeton, Calaprice, Galbiati et. al.) Kilogram quantities manufactured by Russian group Activity limit : at least a factor of 20 lower than natural Argon This would eliminate Ar-39 as a concern for coherent scatter in Ar cost could be an issue discovery can be done even with Natural Ar
Is The Signal Within Reach of Existing Dual-Phase Detectors ?
Lossless drift of electrons over 10 cm distances amply demonstrated in many LAr/LXe experiments – Argon purification techniques are well understood Sensitivity to single primary electrons – accomplished in 10 kg Xe detectors (ZEPLIN, XENON10) Quench factor: gas-phase quench measurement, consistent with predictions, has been measured at LLNL – this must be repeated in liquid
Gas Phase Studies of Very Low Energy Nuclear Recoils
Field cage mounted inside Argon-filled chamber 12 in. Calibration & Noise-floor estimation Calibration 55Fe 5.9 keV X-rays Noise wall Single- photoelectron response of PMT Energy (integral units) By studying nuclear recoils in the gas phase, we learn about: ionization, gas phase quenching, light collection, scintillation properties Only 1 PMT in this detector ~20 in full scale detector 1% Ni for wavelngth shifting
60 keV Neutron Source: Neutrons Recoils at 8 keV and below
Borated plastic Neutron shield Lead Gamma shield LLNL LINAC Li-target ~60 keV neutron generator Argon detector 7Li (p,n) 7Be 100 Hz rep. rate ~105 neutrons / spill Neutron beam Gamma Background 478 keV from 7Li(p,p’)
The Predicted Recoil Spectrum
Actual detector response including PMT coll. eff. Predicted effect of quenching Deposited energy (before quenching) keV 1) Incident neutrons selected by resonance 2-4) Neutron kinematics, quenching optical collection efficiency
A Menagerie of Raw Events
Gate width Single p.e. ~20 ns X-ray or neutron ~2 s Extended event ~6 s 200-μsec time trace during neutron beam measurement - ←Neutron beam on→
Extraction of a Quench Factor –the Lowest Ever Measured in Ar ?
Energy threshold for neutron recoils Gamma signal only above neutron recoil threshold Derived Quench factor: (preliminary) 0.22 Predicted: 0.2 Residual signal attributed to neutrons 8 keV neutron recoil generates 1.8 keV electron equivalent energy deposition
For comparison: Liquid n-recoil Results from McKinsey Group, Yale
A 10 kg Liquid Argon Coherent Neutrino Detector
HV Design by W. Stoeffl Coherent Scatter Group: Chris Hagmann Celeste Winant Kareem Kazkaz Igor Jovanovic Michael Foxe Wolfgang Stoeffl Turbo-pump Pulse tube fridge PMTs Valves Support Bellows Level gauge Gain region Super Insulation Drift region Opening too many possibilities? Just list PMTs Design on paper, issues are thought out Borrow technology from Xenon Central liq. Ar container surrounded by vacuum shroud. Warm vacuum feedthroughs, stratified Ar gas into the feedthrough flange. Phototubes radiatively cooled to ~ -30C. Few % N2 added to Ar gas for enhanced near-UV scintillation. DAQ built around fast digitizing readout of PMT Liquid Nitrogen transport reservoir Insulation Vacuum Liquid Argon 87K
Background Considerations for Antineutrino Detectors at the Surface of the Earth
Veto trigger rates increase by 5-10 relative to ‘SONGS1’ - what about deadtime ? Correlated backgrounds gammas neutrons, pions, protons - are an additional concern, beyond the usual problem of time-correlated events from muons We are just beginning to study this problem
First Consideration: Shrink Deadtime By Shrinking Detector
SONGS (3 meter)3 veto - ~30% dead at sea level (~5% at 10 m.w.e.) (1.5 meter)3 detector/veto – ~5% dead time at sea level - but more elaborate vetoing strategies may be needed * “Standard” veto (100 microsecond following any cosmic) Example: (water detector now deployed at SONGS, below ground) Target (1.5 m)3 Current (3 m)3
Second Consideration: Studying Above Ground Time Correlated Backgrounds
Characterize with Monte Carlo Measure in meter2 detector arrays (Muon, Liquid Scint., Plastic, 3He) Deploy existing prototypes at SONGS and measure signal and background empirically in antineutrino detectors Explore alternative means to reject backgrounds Water Cerenkov detectors Segmentation (Jim’s talk) Others..
Monte Carlo Generation and Detection of Sea Level Backgrounds
A) Public Code package CRY: Due to strong natl. lab interest in surface detection of plutonium and uranium, codes exist to study time correlated backgrounds at sea level – like antineutrinos, fission chains are highly time correlated All secondaries propagated through 42 layers of atmosphere time correlated energy spectra recorded with up to 300 m horiz separation B) GEANT and MCNP models of detectors
Benchmark examples from sea-level flux (CRY) code
- Muon, Pion, Neutron energy spectra match h.e. data
A First Comparison (For Us) Of Sea Level Showers In Meter2 Detector Arrays
Cumulative number of counts Simulation Time until Next count 2 minutes Cumulative number of counts Data Time until Next count 2 seconds Mixed Array of 3He, NaI, PSD and plastic– 100 detectors, here near 1 ton of lead
B) Initial Background Modeling For Water Cerenkov Detectors
Fast neutrons should not be problem since they are below the Cerenkov threshold up to high energies But: energy scale is smeared by low light collection 250 kg detector Now deployed below-ground At San Onofre above-ground test in ’08-09
Conclusions Dual Phase Detectors appear to have the sensitivity needed for coherent scatter discovery Significant Infrastructure for background measurement and modeling at the Earth’s surface will help guide and small surface antineutrino detector designs
A Range of Applications
Near Field Mid-Field Far-Field Use Power, Pu content, operational status Exclude presence of an operating reactor Example Application: (no interest or disinterest imputed to any USG entity! ) Material Accountancy for Current IAEA Safeguards Installation at Yong Byon in North Korea to exclude operational reactors Installation in P.G to detect/exclude reactors in Gulf States of interest Reactor Power GWt 10 MWt <~1 bomb/year 10 MWt <~1 bomb/year Standoff/Sensitive Radius 5-50 m 6 km 250 km Detector Size 1-100 ton with shielding 600 tons (KamLAND fiducial) 1,000,000 tons Rate events per day (eff~ ) 16 events per year (25% power measurement)
Summary for policy and physics community to
White Paper: A Review of the State of the Art in Antineutrino Detection as Applied to Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons Summary for policy and physics community to understand state of the art and R&D program 1 Introduction 1 2 Current Safeguards and Cooperative Monitoring Practice for Light Water Reactors 3 3 Current Nuclear Explosion Detection Technology 10 4 Production and Detection of Antineutrinos From Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Explosions 11 5 Near-Field Detection 13 6 Mid-Field Detection 13 7 Far-Field Detection 14 8 Overview of Fundamental Physics Using Reactor Antineutrinos 17 Research and Development Needs for Basic and Applied Antineutrino Detection 25 Inputs received for all but two chapters editing in progress..
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