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Opportunity Definition Our goal this evening is to convince you to support the establishment and funding of a student centered Math, Science and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunity Definition Our goal this evening is to convince you to support the establishment and funding of a student centered Math, Science and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunity Definition Our goal this evening is to convince you to support the establishment and funding of a student centered Math, Science and Technology Club We propose the club activity to take place during the 1.5 hour block of “Advisement Time” Our proposal is to run a pilot program of this club starting in the Fall of 2010 The idea for this club began with our students We would like to show you a video now

2 Video The video was made by our students to show their interest in forming a clubvideo

3 Building A Copper Pipe Xylophone: Students build copper pipe xylophones MST integration: Math : A. Calculation of sound frequencies for vibration of pipes B. Calculation of proper pipe lengths for the note frequencies C. Proper measurement of pipe lengths for the notes Physics: A. Applying sound energy properties of waves B. Analyze the variations in frequency C. Understanding the speed of sound in various substances Technology: A. Cut the correct length of pipe for a given note B. Constructing so it is robust enough to be played C. Playing a song on the xylophone

4 Building A Solar Car: Students make solar powered racing cars and either race them or run them through a timed course. MST Integration:Math: A. Calculation of solar energy efficiency B. Calculation of solar energy to electrical C. Proper measurements Science: Photoscience, photovoltaics, aerodynamics A. Analyze energy conversion to electricity B. Apply the concepts of friction to the construction C. Calculate the power and energy needed Technology: A. Physical construction of the model car B. Construction of the solar and electrical system C. Design of the course for the model cars D. Execution of the proper procedures to run the race


6 Rationale for the club Connection to the NYS standards Education research shows the value of clubs –Improve attitudes toward Science –Improves sense of community –Motivates students by having them set goals –Provides the additional time needed to learn science. –Reduces behavior issues. –New ideas to improve test scores –Improved cultural awareness Costs can be minimized by having local business fund special trips Club, organization and development, can be built on the experience of other schools

7 Here are the standards that our club will work to. STANDARD 1—Analysis, Inquiry, and Design STANDARD 2—Information Systems STANDARD 5—Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use and evaluate product and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs. STANDARD 6—Interconnectedness: Common Themes STANDARD 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving

8 Facilities requirements: Two science labs will be needed during the 1.5 hour study hall block Two teachers will also be needed Other locations may needed Transportation will be needed in the event of a field trip Materials: SAFETY –Safety goggles/protective eyewear –lab coats –protective gloves –Fire extinguisher –First aid kit Materials: Project supplies –Some tools –Standard lab tools –Rulers –Scales Materials: Clean up –Paper towels –Various cleaning supplies –Two lab carts will also be required for the course

9 Specific Guidelines for Student Selection in Club Any interested students may participate as long as long as they meet the following criteria: –Students must not be failing any class they are currently enrolled in –Students must be maintaining a 2.5 GPA currently to be considered for the club –No school credit for club Exception: (to be determined by guidance counselors and only granted with administrative approval) Juniors or seniors who are currently behind on credits Students will have to do specific extra activity e.g. writing –The maximum enrollment for the fall pilot program will be 30 students –Guidance counselors will have the final ruling on the club roster –Students will be limited to one half of a year membership –The group will be open to students in grades 7-12th.

10 Formation Math, Science and Technology Club Form a pilot program beginning in the Fall of 2010 Two teachers will manage the club during the alternating mornings Upon completing a successful pilot we hope to continue the club each year and grow enrollment as needed

11 Costs Teacher pay: 5 hours per week @ $22.50 per hour for 40 weeks = $4500 per teacher times 2 teachers = $9000 Lab Carts and Other Supplies/ Field Trip money: $300 Model kits and hardware $1500 Total: $10,800

12 Conclusion Total cost: $10,800 per year Engaged, educated students; priceless

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