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TLCP Workshop Thurs. Oct. 25, 2007 Given by: Judit Sastre.

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Presentation on theme: "TLCP Workshop Thurs. Oct. 25, 2007 Given by: Judit Sastre."— Presentation transcript:

1 TLCP Workshop Thurs. Oct. 25, 2007 Given by: Judit Sastre

2 Steps for Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway: 1) gather evidence (data) 2) find area of greatest need 3) discuss current practice 4) data wall, rubric, culminating task 5) PLC action 6) moderated marking 7) sharing findings, communication

3 Mental Model for TLC Pathway: Learning Community Evidence of Student Learning Evidence of Teacher Practice (Just in time) Embedded Professional Learning Reflection / Action

4 Steps for TLC Pathway Ideas for Plan of Action Ideas for Plan of Action 1.gather evidence (data) unpack data (EQAO, DRA, CASI, other diagnostic assessments) for all staff: - what - can we celebrate? - do we find interesting? - surprises us? - is the difference that is making the difference? - understand - each school / community is unique - small increases / decreases over time are less important than general trend data - consider - trends - the size of classes / cohort - stress it is a snapshot of achievement at a particular time and that the data will tell us what to do next

5 Steps for TLC Pathway Ideas for Plan of Action Ideas for Plan of Action 2. find area of greatest need (analyze and unpack data) - through unpacking of data, decide on area of greatest need in Reading (2 expectations) to use in 1st TLC Pathway - consensus among teachers 3. discuss current practice - what is currently happening regarding teaching in the area of greatest need? - what does it look like now in your school?

6 Steps for TLC Pathway Ideas for Plan of Action Ideas for Plan of Action 4. build: a) rubric b) culminating task c) data wall choose: d) teaching strategy - in grade teams: a) rubric building – construct meaning for teaching, start with the end in mind (backward mapping), generic rubric showing achievement Levels 1 through 4 related to 2 expectations (from greatest area of need), also create an instructional rubric to debrief students with (give them the benchmarks they can use to understand teacher expectations clearly) b) culminating task – using the 2 expectations related to the area of greatest need, design a culminating activity as a grade team (backward mapping) – focused instruction related to 2 chosen expectations will lead up to this activity, teacher will model expectation and guide student practice and gradually release the responsibility of achieving the expectations to the students (4 to 5 weeks of focused instruction, last week has culminating activity) c) building a data wall - each teacher to create a class data wall to track student achievement (data wall to represent beginning assessment level, a prediction for where the teacher thinks they will be at the end of the TLCP, result of culminating activity d) teaching strategy – each teacher will choose a high-yield teaching strategy to use for the TLC pathway (ie. Read aloud / think aloud, shared reading, guided reading), have a discussion surrounding: - how does this fit in to the literacy block? - what resource documents to use – these can be made a part of the PLC action to ensure all teachers have the same understanding about the teaching strategy chosen

7 Steps for TLC Pathway Ideas for Plan of Action Ideas for Plan of Action 5. PLC action Ideas for PLC action: -coverage for teacher release - modeling teaching strategies related to TLC Pathway expectations - teachers visit example teacher classrooms in their own school or other schools, observe teaching strategies related to TLC Pathway expectations - professional learning surrounding teaching strategies related to TLC Pathway expectations (ie. Lunch and learns, PLC’s using articles / professional books, teachers track one level 2 student and plan instruction for that student with team) Suggested model for PLC action: - Discuss individual student information - follow, track and present one level 2 student learning evidence - Discuss teacher evidence – what did I learn from my teaching? - Research-based learning – embedded professional learning related to TLC Pathway - Inquiry project – setting the agenda for what you are going to do between now and the next meeting Guiding questions for PLC’s: -What evidence do you have of student learning in relation to the greatest area of need? -What evidence do you have of what you are doing differently? -What is the presenting problem? - What have you learned?

8 Steps for TLC Pathway Ideas for Plan of Action Ideas for Plan of Action 6. moderated marking - teachers participate in moderated marking of culminating assessment (calibrate marking by all marking 1 assessment together, don’t mark all of own students to allow for objectivity) 7. share findings, communication - debrief students on their results - unpack data from TLC Pathway with all staff: - what - can we celebrate? - do we find interesting - surprises us? - is the difference that is making the difference? - understand - each school / community is unique - small increases/decreases over time are less important than general trend data - consider – trends - the size of classes / cohort - stress it is a snapshot of achievement at a particular time and that the data will tell us what to do next - dialogue leads to next pathway – it is cyclical

9 Shift and Spread The Right Moves at the Right Time with the Right People for the Right Reasons

10 Life Choices and Life Chances for Children See – what others are doing…. Imagine – what is the difference that will make a difference? Act – watch, apply, reflect, communicate

11 Why Networks? Informal nextworks have been an informal means of relating in the workplace. Effective experienced educators build networks. These networks allow reciprocal influencing to take place. We need to find new ways to think and talk and make meaning about our linked work. Developing explicit shared practices within a school and across schools is an outcome of this work.

12 Networked Learning Communities Taking networks to scale – spreading practice across the wider system Putting pupil learning at the centre and aligning practice – student need and curriculum expectations – data driven Enquiry at the centre of the network Distributing leadership – decentralizing power and influence Encourage the growth of leadership capacity Keeping formalized structure to a minimum Relationships + trust + communication = the critical ingredients

13 Mind Shift New Knowledge

14 SPREAD Knowledge Management CommunicationBetter IdeasSet-upSocial SystemsLeadership Measurement and Feedback

15 Teaching and Learning

16 Mental Model Learning Community Evidence of Student Learning Evidence of Teacher Practice (Just in time) Embedded Professional Learning Reflection / Action

17 Questions?

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