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March Family Development Support Network: Bring Those 90 Hours Back to Life One Topic at a Time!  Welcome  Sharing Our Collective Success Name, Center,

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Presentation on theme: "March Family Development Support Network: Bring Those 90 Hours Back to Life One Topic at a Time!  Welcome  Sharing Our Collective Success Name, Center,"— Presentation transcript:

1 March Family Development Support Network: Bring Those 90 Hours Back to Life One Topic at a Time!  Welcome  Sharing Our Collective Success Name, Center, and one success story related to supporting strong families in your community

2 3 General Principles for Training 1. First, training that adds value tends to be integrated with other systems. Training must be managed so that it is planned, and deliberately and clearly linked to workplace outcomes. How has the Family Development Credentialing Training been integrated into your family resource center? How does it integrate into the work you do with families?

3 3 General Principles for Training 2. Second, training that adds value actually has three components. First there is the training planning component. Then training occurs. Most important is the third component -- follow-up. Mechanisms must be in place to provide reinforcement to the learner for his or her efforts to implement what has been learned. What systems are currently in place at your center to support the application and knowledge gained from the Family Development Credentialing Training?

4 3 General Principles for Training 3. Finally, training that adds value occurs when there is an infrastructure in place that supports the learner's application of what has been learned. What support are in place to reinforce your learning related to family development work? What peer-to-peer learning opportunities currently exist at your center?

5 Creating a Peer Learning Community at Your Center

6 Identify Training Needs On a regular basis identify training support needs of staff. Use your strategic planning processes to integrate family support training and development with the needs of the organization and each individual. Training is most likely to add value when the needs of the individual and the organization coincide.

7 Create Common Agreements  Use an informal contracting process to define your expectations and those of training attendees. The training agreement should include: Expectations for training attendee to apply what they have learned. Expectations to share what has been learned with other members of the organization. What the trainee needs from trainer so that learning can be applied.

8 Follow-Up and Follow Through  Schedule opportunity as staff to debrief/discuss the training  Determine how it can be applied to your workplace and work with families  Determine next step and future training topics

9 Peer Success Stories

10 Peer-to-Peer Sharing  Open Q&A What questions would you like to ask other family workers? What story would you like to share? What resources would help you in your work with families?

11 Thank You  Next Family Development Support Network Call: April 25 th 12:00-12:45PM

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