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Shelly Dickinson, MTSS Trainer Charlie Eccleston, MTSS Trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelly Dickinson, MTSS Trainer Charlie Eccleston, MTSS Trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelly Dickinson, MTSS Trainer Charlie Eccleston, MTSS Trainer

2 What do we want you to Know?  The types of data used within the MTSS tiers What do we want you to Understand?  How to use aim lines and trend lines to guide in student decision making process What do we want you to be Able to do?  Share your knowledge at your school  Analyze data and make decisions

3 How BIG is the GAP? How much TIME do we have to close it?



6  Capacity to Problem-Solve  Capacity to Collect Data, and Make Sense of It  Capacity to Deliver Instruction at Different Intensities (Tiered- levels of services)  Capacity to Display Data Over Time Discuss with a partner Which component(s) do you feel your school is doing well? Data Based Decisions pages 90-91 Discuss with a partner

7  Analyze the Past – How did we do? What can we do better?  Plan for today, Drive our Instruction – What should we do differently?  Diagnose – What specifically is the issue?  Progress Monitor- Is what we are doing working?  Predict the Future- Trends, Student Outcomes

8 Four Purposes for Assessing within MTSS Formative 1)Screening: identify students at risk for academic difficulty 2)Diagnostic: provide an in-depth, reliable assessment of targeted skills 3)Progress Monitoring: determine whether the student is responsive to given instruction Summative 1)Outcome: student demonstrates accepted level of mastery

9  Materials: Assessment Mat Assessment Resources  At your table discuss the types of assessments looking at the different resources provided  Formulate an assessment guide to take back to your building

10 Three Types of CBMs – (Curriculum-Based Measurements) General Outcome Measures (GOMs)Skills-Based Measures (SBMs)Mastery Measures (MMs) PRIMARY USES Screening Diagnostic Evaluation Survey-level testing Specific-level testing Progress Monitoring To target content areas of concern To target different proficiency levels and response types STRUCTURE Uses global/interactive tasks Composed of mixed items drawn from a set of goals May only test one specific skill or short-term instructional objective Separate skills are not isolated or marked Skills are usually sampled across a whole year’s curriculum A large sample performance is collected on each skill Targets long-term goals Separate skills may be isolated or marked Items are referenced to skills and/or proficiency levels Often includes common classroom tasks Items are often cross-referenced to goals Some skills nay be examined in isolation The ABCs of CBM by Hosp, Hosp, and Howell.

11 Three Types of CBMs – (Curriculum-Based Measurements) General Outcome Measures (GOMs)Skills-Based Measures (SBMs)Mastery Measures (MMs) ADVANTAGES Provides perspectives Gives an overall impression of skill level Provides brief measures Useful for double checking a problem indicated on a GOM or SBM Useful for Monitoring Illustrates retention and generalization Useful for Monitoring Illustrates retention Sensitive to growth overtime Useful for checking hypothesis about missing skills or subskills Provides focus DISADVANTANGES Provides little diagnostic information Small sample for each goal limits diagnostic utility Don’t provide the big picture (no generalization or application) Doesn’t provide information about specific skills Often includes a high proportion of items that are either above or below the student’s skill level Skill-subskill relationship may not be real Often includes a high proportion of items that are either above or below the student’s skill level May not require generalization or interactive use of the skill Should not be used for progress monitoring Some content areas don’t have convenient capstone tasks The ABCs of CBM by Hosp, Hosp, and Howell.

12 Using Progress Monitoring within the MTSS Framework

13 Progress-Monitoring measures are ongoing assessments conducted for the purposes of: Guiding Instruction Monitoring Student Progress Evaluating Instruction/Intervention Effectiveness

14  Progress Monitoring Data determines students’ Response to Instruction using:  Tier 1 Data  Universal Screenings (GOMs)  Inventories  District Assessments  Tier 1 Unit/Weekly Assessments  Tier 2 Data  Collecting intervention data at least every 2 to 3 weeks (IPST Form7)  ORF, MAZE, DIBELS Next, CBMs  Teacher Made Assessments (MM)  Tier 3 Data  Weekly (IPST Form 7)  Measuring Specific Targeted Skills (SBM & GOM)  Continually adjusting instruction based on OPM data to meet student’s needs

15 Brief & Easy Sensitive to growth Frequent Equivalent Measurements

16 Graph Components

17 Skill equal increments Time - equal increments Instructional Change Line Goal Intervention #1 (Group or Individual) Baseline Aim Line Trend Line 1 Intervention #2 (Group or Individual) Trend Line 2


19 Let’s Practice Creating a Graph with an Aim Line & a Trend line Hint: Use the Grades 3-6 Assessment Decision Tree to determine year-end goal.

20 Ana’s Aim Line Ana’s Aim Trend Line

21 Making Decisions: Using Data to Move Between Tiers

22 Core Instruction Supplemental Instruction Intensive Instruction Decision rules Intensity of Intervention Should this student move to Tier 3? Should this student move to Tier 2?

23  Is rate of progress acceptable?  If not, why and what should we do about it? ◦ Frequency and amount of intervention ◦ Instructional strategy ◦ Opportunity for practice and application ◦ Attendance ◦ Fidelity of instruction/intervention implementation ◦ Group size ◦ Other factors?  Choices- try another intervention, modify existing intervention, other? MTSS Procedural Overview Flowchart pages 40-42

24 Performance Time Response to Intervention Expected Trajectory Observed Trajectory Positive Questionable Poor

25 Aimline Trendline = 0.95 words/week GOAL Baseline

26 How BIG is the GAP? How much TIME do we have to close it?





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