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Continuous low humming sound drone. hate detest and abhor.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous low humming sound drone. hate detest and abhor."— Presentation transcript:

1 continuous low humming sound drone

2 hate detest and abhor

3 waste time dawdle

4 faint swoon

5 pharmacist apothecary

6 appetizing food delectables

7 teach instill

8 unhealthy vapors miasma

9 bad smell stench

10 harmful to health noxious

11 little devil imp

12 being shy or modest demure

13 fool ninny

14 large group horde

15 forced isolation quarantine

16 hate detest and abhor

17 unmarried woman spinster

18 difficult problem dilemma

19 boring tedious

20 least valuable part dreg

21 festive occasion gala

22 loud noise din

23 unable to speak dumb

24 fatal epidemic disease pestilence

25 pulled tight taut

26 surgical knife lancet

27 small suitcase valise

28 disturbance commotion

29 move abruptly lurch

30 recover from sickness recuperate

31 wrinkled by shrinkage withered

32 thirsty parched

33 confused or disordered topsy-turvy

34 holster for sword scabbard

35 untidy slovenly

36 hate detest and abhor

37 continuous low humming sound drone

38 faint swoon

39 pharmacist apothecary

40 waste time dawdle

41 teach instill

42 appetizing food delectables

43 bad smell stench

44 unhealthy vapors miasma

45 little devil imp

46 harmful to health noxious

47 fool ninny

48 large group horde

49 being shy or modest demure

50 hate detest and abhor

51 forced isolation quarantine

52 difficult problem dilemma

53 unmarried woman spinster

54 least valuable part dreg

55 boring tedious

56 loud noise din

57 festive occasion gala

58 fatal epidemic disease pestilence

59 unable to speak dumb

60 surgical knife lancet

61 pulled tight taut

62 disturbance commotion

63 small suitcase valise

64 recover from sickness recuperate

65 move abruptly lurch

66 thirsty parched

67 untidy slovenly

68 wrinkled by shrinkage withered

69 holster for sword scabbard

70 confused or disordered topsy-turvy

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