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Advisor: Hsin-His Chen Reporter: Chi-Hsin Yu Date: 2009.02.11 From AAAI 2008 William Pentney, Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Advisor: Hsin-His Chen Reporter: Chi-Hsin Yu Date: 2009.02.11 From AAAI 2008 William Pentney, Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advisor: Hsin-His Chen Reporter: Chi-Hsin Yu Date: 2009.02.11 From AAAI 2008 William Pentney, Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Matthai Philipose, Intel Research Seattle Jeff Bilmes, Department of Electrical Engineering University of Washington

2  Common Sense Data Acquisition for Indoor Mobile Robots ◦ AAAI 2004 ◦ Rakesh Gupta and Mykel J. Kochenderfer  Sensor-Based Understanding of Daily Life via Large-Scale Use of Common Sense ◦ AAAI 2006 ◦ William Pentney, et al., Matthai Philipose (Intel)  Learning Large Scale Common Sense Models of Everyday Life ◦ AAAI 2007 ◦ William Pentney, et al., Matthai Philipose (Intel)

3  Introduction  Data Acquisition and Representation  Inference  Evaluation Methodology and Results  Conclusion

4  Common sense ◦ being critical to the automated understanding of the world (Example)(Example) ◦ OMICS (Open Mind Indoor Common Sense) project  This paper ◦ enabling correspondingly large scale sensor-based understanding of the world (RFID)

5 (Back)

6  Challenges ◦ semantic gaps (facts in DB - phenomena detected by sensors) ◦ fragility of reasoning in the face of noise ◦ Incompleteness of repositories (DB) ◦ slowness of reasoning with these large repositories  The adaptation of using sensor data is challenging because it is unclear that … ◦ how to represent models ◦ term occurrence statistics are a practical means of acquiring arbitrary common sense information from the web

7  Collecting common sense data through the Open Mind Indoor Common Sense (OMICS) website  Restricting the domain to indoor home and office environments (AAAI 2004)


9  Hand proximity to objects implies object use.  Three users perform various daily activities.  A total of 5-7 minutes of each activity was collected, for a total of 70-75min of data.  These traces were divided into time slices of 2.5s.

10 SRCS=State Recognition using Common Sense

11  Template to relation ◦ “You when you are.” ◦ Relation: people(, ) ◦ Ex:  Relation People  people (‘eat’, ‘hungry’)  people(’drink water’,’are thirsty’)  Relation ContextAction  contextactions(’full garbage bag’, ’put the garbage in’, ’trash’)  contextactions(’making toasted bread’, ’slice’, ’bread’)  Relation ActionGenealization  actiongeneralization(’investigate cause of’, ’alarm’, ’smoke alarm’)  actiongeneralization(’wipe off’, ’floorcover’, ’carpet’)  actiongeneralization(’clean’, ’floorcover’, ’carpet’)  SRCS ◦ 50000+ instances, 15 relations  KnowItAll ◦ Weighting the facts in OMICS DB Weighted Relations

12  Using 20 fixed rewrite rules ◦ People(S, A) ⇝ (actionObserved(A) ⇒ personIn(S)) ◦ People(angry, yell) ⇝ (actionObserved(yell) ⇒ personIn(angry))  Horn clause ◦ p 1 ∧ p 2 ∧ … ∧ p N ⇒ p N+1 ◦ P 1 … p N : constant/atom, p N+1 :atom ◦ Constants: object, action, location, context, state ◦ 8 types of atoms:  useInferred(O), stateOf(O, S), locationInfererd(L), personIn(S), actionObserved(A) Weighted Relations Weighted Horn Clauses

13  MRF ◦ Consists a graph whose set of vertices V are connected by a set of cliques c i ⊂ V.  V: atom f i,t and object o i,t for all i in time t ◦ Each c i has a potential function φ i :c i  R + ◦ Calculates p(f t,o t )  Markov logic network (Richardson & Domingos 2006) ◦ Are used for this conversion. Weighted Horn Clauses Markov Random Field (MRF)

14 Markov Random Field Chain Graph

15  At time slice t ◦ Useinferred(O)=true if the use of object is detected at time slice t ◦ Infer other unknown variables using loopy belief propagation (Pearl 1988)  Calculate marginal for propositions in time slice t-1  30 min for inference in each time slice ◦ Use query-directed pruning to improve it  Output thresholds ◦ Set a variable to true if p(variable) > thresholds ◦ Use decision stump to learn the threshold

16  Monitoring 24 Boolean variables to identify individual activity  Human labeling of the traces as the ground truth

17  Train decision stumps on a sampling of data fro each activity (20mins)


19  AAAI 2008 AAAI 2006 The performance is inconsistent. Improved

20  Future works ◦ The cost of labeling trace is expensive  semi-supervised algorithm may help ◦ Integrating other sources of sensory input is exploring ◦ Selection of variable subset is important for scalable inference.  Conclusions ◦ Densely deployable wireless sensors made things possible.


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