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CLIC_ILD vertex detector modules and stave Layout Mathieu Benoit 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 1.

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1 CLIC_ILD vertex detector modules and stave Layout Mathieu Benoit 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 1

2 Introduction A more detailed description of the vertex detector layout is needed to drive the R&D ongoing on : – Sensor and modules – Cooling studies – Signal and power distribution – Mechanical support Module dimensions are driven by Front-End and Sensor production capabilities – Chip has a maximum die size (2.2 x 2.2cm 2 ) – Sensor has maximum length Stave layout is driven by : – Need for hermeticity – Module size – Occupancy in the layers (fixed radius) – Lorentz angle – Material budget 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 2

3 MODULE LAYOUT 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 3

4 Module Layout Module dimensions are constrained by the size of the front-end – We suppose 512x512 pixel Timepix-like chips – 20x20 um pixel pitch – Modules per ladder must be an odd number (middle of a module at Z=IP) – Following CLIC_ILD CDR simulation layout, Ladder Length = 26.0 cm L=NbChip*(pitch) + (NbChip - 1)*ChipGap + 2*GR 5x(1.024)+4*0,005+2*0.001= 5.160 cm 5x5.16cm = 25.8cm 6’’ Wafer, divided in squares of 1.029 x 1.029 cm 2 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 4

5 Module Layout (2) We try to stay as close as possible to the CLIC_ILD CDR layout, whith 2 different type of modules, for layer 1+2, and layer 3+4+5+6, located at fixed radius 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 5 Physics and Detectors CDR Physics and Detectors CDR,Lucie LINSSEN, Akiya MIYAMOTO, Marcel STANITZKI, Harry WEERTS

6 Module Layout (3) Type 1x5 chips Module Parametervalue pixel per chip (X)512 pixel per chip (Y)512 pixel pitch (mm)0,02 chip per module (x)5 chip per module (y)1 Edge Width (mm)0,1 Interchip distance (mm)0,05 Length (mm)51,6 Width (mm)10,44 Type 2*5 chips Module Parametervalue pixel per chip (X)512 pixel per chip (Y)512 pixel pitch (mm)0,02 chip per module (x)5 chip per module (y)2 Edge Width (mm)0,1 Interchip distance (mm)0,05 Length (mm)51,6 Width (mm)20,73 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 6

7 Module Layout (4) Inter-Chip regions 45x45 um pixels at the corners 20x45um pixel between set of 2 chips 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 7

8 Module Layout (5) FE sensor FE Bonding Interconnection between chips would make use of the TSV technology to bring read-out and power pads to the backside of the chip DC/DC Converter storage capacitor can be distributed on the back of the chip on the Redistribution Layer (RDL) beam 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 8 RDL TSV Pads

9 BARREL LAYOUT 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 9

10 Barrels layout CDR layout has been selected taking into account slightly wider module than what is proposed here. We need to modify slightly the radius to keep hermeticity, number of ladders (set of modules) Not mentionned here is the tilt angle of the modules with regard to the vertex radius, usually set by lorentz angle 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 10 The CLIC ILD CDR Geometry for the CDR Monte Carlo Mass ProductionThe CLIC ILD CDR Geometry for the CDR Monte Carlo Mass Production, A. Munnich, A. Sailer

11 Lorentz angle It is a usual practice in vertex design to tilt modules with regard to the particle direction to account for Lorentz angle and minimize cluster size B= 5T Holes Electrons Drift E Reco hit 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 11

12 Lorentz angle B= 5T Holes Electrons Drift E Reco hit 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 12

13 Lorentz angle in CLIC_ILD Lorentz angle depends on mobility which depends on Electric field and eventually on dopant concentration In a 50um 10kOhmcm p-type wafer, 10V bias, E≈[1600,2700]V/cm – Vary with resistivity, bias voltage In a planar sensor, E is proportional to V applied – V applied is proportional to thickness 2 (Full depletion voltage) – For thin sensor, at full depletion voltage, Electric field is very low – To be investigated : How much over Full depletion can we apply voltage 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 13

14 Lorentz angle in CLIC_ILD 10V 80V (?) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 14

15 Lorentz angle in CLIC_ILD 10V 80V (?) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 15

16 Lorentz angle in CLIC_ILD (summary) Following the sensor specification, lorentz angle will be large in CLIC_ILD It is not possible to specify at this point very precisely the characteristics of the sensor to be used – Unknown resistivity, thickness – Possible operation voltage Best strategy is to deal with this at the hit reconstruction level, by taking into account measured angle (cosmics ? Runs w/o B Field?) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 16

17 Barrel layout (layer 1+2) CLIC_ILD MC Model Layer 1+2 are octodecagons (18) – Radius = 31.0, 32.87 mm – Length = 260 mm (25 chips + 2 mm tolerance) – Width (ladder) = 11.5 mm (all considered active) Real Module and Layer (assuming 5x1 modules) – Radius = ?? – Length 258 mm (5x 5x1 chip modules) – Width (ladder) = 10.44 mm (10,24 mm active) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 17

18 Barrel layout (layer 1+2) To ensure hermeticity, layer 1+2 need to be placed closer to IP than MC model – Option 1: Radius(layer 1) = 29 mm (31mm before) Radius(layer 2) =30.87mm (32.87mm before) To avoid volume overlap, slightly tilt the ladders (here 1.5°) – Option 2: Tilt sensors by lorentz angle (ex: 15 deg) Add 1-2 ladders (here, 2-> Icosagon !) Move back to larger radius (here 31.221 mm) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 18

19 Barrel layout (layer1+2, option 1) An option to option 1: Shifting layer 2 vs layer 1 (here 1mm), ladder per ladder to avoid overlapping gaps Single hits Double layer, holding on the same mechanical structure not shown here 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 19

20 Barrel layout (layer1+2, option 2) Single hits In this option we maintain the larger radius, but increase overlap, further optimisation is needed 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 20

21 Barrel layout (layer 3+4) CLIC_ILD MC Model Layer 3+4 are tridecagons (13) – Radius = 44.0, 45.87 mm – Length = 260 mm (25 chips + 2 mm tolerance) – Width (ladder) = 22.5 mm (all considered active) Real Module and Layer (assuming 5x2 modules) – Radius = ?? – Length 258 mm (5x 5x2 chip modules) – Width (ladder) = 20.73 mm (20.53 mm active) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 21

22 Barrel layout (layer 3+4) To ensure hermeticity, layer 3+4 need to be placed closer to IP than MC model – Option 1: Radius(layer 1) = 41.65 mm (44 mm before) Radius(layer 2) = 43.516 mm (45.87 mm before) To avoid volume overlap, slightly tilt the ladders (here 1.5°) – Option 2: Tilt sensors by lorentz angle (ex: 15 deg) Add 1-2 ladders (here, 2-> pentadecagon !) Move back to larger radius (here 45.647 mm) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 22

23 Barrel layout (layer3+4, option 1) Single hits 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 23

24 Barrel layout (layer3+4, option 2) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 24

25 Barrel layout (layer 5+6) CLIC_ILD MC Model Layer 3+4 are heptadecagons (17) – Radius = 58.0, 59.87 mm – Length = 260 mm (25 chips + 2 mm tolerance) – Width (ladder) = 22.5 mm (all considered active) Real Module and Layer (assuming 5x2 modules) – Radius = ?? – Length 258 mm (5x 5x2 chip modules) – Width (ladder) = 20.73 mm (20.53 mm active) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 25

26 Barrel layout (layer 5+6) To ensure hermeticity, layer 5+6 need to be placed closer to IP than MC model – Option 1: Radius(layer 1) = 54.91 mm (58 mm before) Radius(layer 2) = 56.782mm (59.87 mm before) To avoid volume overlap, slightly tilt the ladders (here 1.5°) – Option 2: Tilt sensors by lorentz angle (ex: 15 deg) Add 1-2 ladders (here, 2-> enneadecagon !) Move back to larger radius (here 58.418 mm) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 26

27 Barrel layout (layer 5+6, option 1) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 27

28 Barrel layout (layer 5+6, option 2) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 28

29 Full Barrel (option 1) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 29

30 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 30

31 Full Barrel (option 2) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 31

32 Full Barrel (option 3) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 32 SiD like design Symmetric layout Unregular hit distance to IP

33 DISK LAYOUT 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 33

34 Disk layout Wheels in CLIC_ILD CDR layout consist of 3 identical double-layers 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 34 The CLIC ILD CDR Geometry for the CDR Monte Carlo Mass ProductionThe CLIC ILD CDR Geometry for the CDR Monte Carlo Mass Production, A. Munnich, A. Sailer

35 Wheel layout (2) The wheel active area spans from R=33 to R=102mm H=69 mm in CLIC_ILD CDR layout To use module like building block, the best option is 6x2 modules – H=61.89 mm < CDR layout – Dimension could be adjusted a bit making use of elongated pixels Type 2*6 chips Module Parametervalue pixel per chip (X)512 pixel per chip (Y)512 pixel pitch (mm)0,02 chip per module (x)6 chip per module (y)2 Edge Width (mm)0,1 Interchip distance (mm)0,05 Length (mm)61,89 Width (mm)20,73 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 35

36 Wheel layout, the quadrature of the circle (option 1) Module based layout 15 modules per layer, 30 for a double layer Each module tilted by 24° with regard to previous layer Each layer tilted by 12° with regard to other part of double layers Each module tilted by 2° with regard to radius to allow overlap Possibility to distribute modules along Z to reproduce the helicoidal structure favored for cooling 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 36

37 Wheel layout, the quadrature of the circle (option 1) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 37

38 Wheel layout, the quadrature of the circle (option 1) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 38

39 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 39

40 Wheel Layout (option 2) Source : http://www.micronsemico 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 40

41 Conclusion A set of specifications for the modules driven by the acheivable Front-end and sensor die size has been established – Inactive region must be taken into account in the layout of the ladders, barrel and disks – Hermeticity of the double layer must be minimized – Lorentz angle in the sensor should be taken into account in the layout of the barrel – Possibility of cableless power distribution and readout should be explored Stitching between Front-End and between modules (TSV,RDL) Integration of components (capacitor, resistance) on Front-End backside Disk layout represent a challenge in terms of material budget, hermeticity and mechanical support – Radial distribution of modules (option 1) is far from the ideal in terms of hermeticity and material budget – Disk like modules could be a solution (one module per wafer, assembly challenging) 15/03/12 mini workshop on engineering aspects of the CLIC vertex detectors 41

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