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The NMC strategy and its alignment with the education strategy 2015 -2020 Anne Trotter Assistant Director, Education and QA 16 October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The NMC strategy and its alignment with the education strategy 2015 -2020 Anne Trotter Assistant Director, Education and QA 16 October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NMC strategy and its alignment with the education strategy 2015 -2020 Anne Trotter Assistant Director, Education and QA 16 October 2014

2 Context: two years on from the strategic review substantial improvements much stronger now than 2012 progress implemented or underway across all four areas now time to look to the future

3 How we protect the public Our core functions support the integrity and meaning of the register A source of public confidence, employer assurance and professional standing Using intelligence, communication and working with others will increase our impact

4 Our education function We set: Standards for pre registration nursing and midwifery education Standards for specific post registration nursing and midwifery education We: Quality assure education programmes against our standards – this includes visits to practice placements

5 Strategic priorities Effective regulation: continue improving core regulatory functions Intelligence: better use of data and insight Comms and collaboration: better understanding, stronger partnerships Effective organisation: people, systems, resources, customer care

6 Effective regulation: improving our education function Better public protection via education Pre-registration standards command public confidence and drive public protection Contemporary post-registration standards driven by need for professional regulation QA of education delivers public protection effectively, addresses risks and highlights safe, professional practice

7 Using knowledge intelligently to protect the public Evidence informed education standards development, evaluation and QA referenced across regulatory functions (FtP, registration and education QA) Transparent and accurate reporting Exchange of information with other regulators and relevant organisations Use of intelligence: proactive education outputs

8 Collaboration and communication: creating enduring connections Relationships that support our priorities Improved public profile and understanding of education Enhanced understanding and trust of key stakeholders: patients and public, commissioners, employers, students and educators Effective UK wide collaboration on strategic and operational educational matters

9 Effective regulation: Outcome based standards Use of intelligence: QA data Risk data Primary research & evaluation data Collaboration and communication: Proactive Engagement : education stakeholders Providing a contemporary and confident interface between education, practice policy and people Protecting the public

10 Finite resources External drivers Changing priorities Challenges

11 Early considerations Engage and listen Evaluation of pre registration standards Transform post registration standards Continue with direction of travel of QA

12 Next steps Small strategic listening event in late October Working with others Development of a draft education strategy that will be presented to Council by the end of 2014 UK wide listening events Analyse comments to inform final education strategy which will be presented to Council in 2015

13 Thank you and any questions?

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