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Module 8 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village. 制作者 : 佛山市南海区里水镇旗峰中学 陈燕华.

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1 Module 8 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village. 制作者 : 佛山市南海区里水镇旗峰中学 陈燕华

2 Xiaoxiao Lishui, China October 20th, 2005 Naughty

3 Bill Gates Founder of Microsoft 微软创始人 Seattle, the USA 西雅图 October 28th, 1955 Friendly

4 Yuan Longping Scientist Beijing, China September 7th, 1930 Strict but very nice

5 Stephen Hawking Professor of Cambridge University Oxford, England January 8th,1942 Careful

6 Yao Ming basketball player Shanghai, China September 12th, 1980 Well-behaved

7 Hu Jintao President of China Anhui, China December,1942 Kind and strict

8 Try to answer these questions: 1.Where were you born? 2.When were you born? 3.What was the name of your first school? 4.Who was your first teacher? What was he/she like? 5.Who were your first friends? What were they like?

9 1.Where were you born? 2.What was the name of your first school? 3.What was the name of your first teacher? 4. What was he/she like? 5.Who were your first friends? 6. What were they like? a strict, nice b Jamie, Kate c in a small town d friendly, naughty e ms Fairbanks f John Adams Primary School Listen and match the questions and answers. c f e a b d

10 Make a dialogue with your partner like this : A: Where were you born? B: I was born in…. A: When were you born? B: I was born in/ on…. A: What were you like ? B: I was …

11 Listen to the dialogue and read it by yourselves.

12 1. Was Lingling born in Xucun? 2. Was Tony’s first school in Cambridge? 3. Was his teacher’s name Ms Li? 4. Was Ms Li Lingling’s teacher? 5. Was Ms Yao very friendly? 6. Were Becky and Adam Tony’s friends? 7. Were Adam and Tony well-behaved? 8. Was Tony naughty at school? Answer the questions. Yes, she was. Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. No, she wasn’t. Yes, she was. Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. Yes, he was.

13 Notes: 2.the name of… …. 的名字 The name of my school is Qifeng Middle School. 我学校的名字是旗峰中学. like … 怎么样, 像 ….. 他们怎么样 ? 他们很调皮. What were they like? They were very naughty. born 出生于 我在广州出生。 I was born in Guangzhou. 他在 1999 年 4 月 5 日出生。 He was born on April 5th,1999.

14 Read the dialogue in Unit 1 again and complete the passage about Tony. use was/ wasn’t/ or were/ weren’t. Tony’s first school wasn’t Cambridge Primary School, it was Darwin Primary School. His first teacher _____ Mrs Hill, she ____ Mrs Lane. His teachers _____ very friendly. They _____ strict. Becky and Adam _____ Tony’s first friends at school. They _____ in Tony’s class. Tony and Adam______ well-behaved at school. They _____naughty. Becky_____ naughty. She ____ well-behaved. wasn’twas werewere were weren’t were were wasn’t was

15 am / is→was are→were was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t I He She It We You They was were Please use was, were, wasn’t, weren’t to make sentences.

16 My past life I was born on/in…. I was born in…. My first school was…. My first teacher was…. He/She was…. My first friends were…. They were…. Talk about in groups:

17 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. --Where _______ he born? -- He was born in Guangxi. A. is B. was C. were ( ) 2. -- When _____ you born? --I was born in 1990. A. were B. is C. was ( ) 3. What __ your sister like when she was five? A. is B were C. was ( ) 4. ---_____ was your first friend?--- Lingling. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 5. -- Was her first English teacher Mrs Li? --_____. A. yes, She is B. Yes, she was C. No, he wasn’t B A C C B

18 二、单词拼写 1. Tom was very_______ (淘气的) at school. 2. Our maths teacher is _______ (严格的), but very nice. 3. The people there are _______ (友好的) to me. 4. Newton was one of the greatest _________ (科学家) in the world. 5. Bill Gates is the ________ (创建者) of Microsoft. naughty strict friendly scientists founder

19 三、完成句子 1 、我出生于佛山。 I __________ in Foshan. 2 、谁是你们的首任教师? Who _____________________? 3 、那位男孩叫什么名字? ______________________boy? 4 、他们出生在中国的一个小城市。 They ______________________ in China. 5 、这些学生很有礼貌。 The students ______________________. was born was your first teacher What’s the name of the were born in a small city are / were well-behaved

20 Homework 1.Read the dialogue in Activity 4 twice. 2.According to the dialogue,make a new dialogue in groups.


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