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Near-Term Prospects for Improving Quantitative Precipitation Estimates at High Latitudes G.J. Huffman 1,2, R.F. Adler 1, D.T. Bolvin 1,2, E.J. Nelkin 1,2.

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Presentation on theme: "Near-Term Prospects for Improving Quantitative Precipitation Estimates at High Latitudes G.J. Huffman 1,2, R.F. Adler 1, D.T. Bolvin 1,2, E.J. Nelkin 1,2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Near-Term Prospects for Improving Quantitative Precipitation Estimates at High Latitudes G.J. Huffman 1,2, R.F. Adler 1, D.T. Bolvin 1,2, E.J. Nelkin 1,2 1: NASA/GSFC Laboratory for Atmospheres 2: Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Outline 1.The Problem 2.Prior Work 3. Instantaneous Rates 4.Next Steps 5.Summary

2 1.THE PROBLEM Retrievals are more challenging at high latitudes -Different T, RH profiles; sfc. T; tropopause and melting levels -Generally light precipitation -Frozen/icy surface knocks out scattering channels Validation is also more challenging -Gauges are sparse -Gauge undercatch more severe -Radar has difficulties with snow and bright band

3 2.PRIOR WORK Best solution involves high-frequency microwave channels -Try to slice atmospheric signal away from difficult surface issues Some approximate alternatives already exist that can -Provide answers relatively quickly -Fill inter-swath gaps in the high-frequency estimates when they arrive -Stand in for high-frequency estimates where they falter -Provide a multi-decadal record One alternative is to work with OLR Precipitation Index (OPI) -Xie and Arkin (1998) showed that deviations in OLR from local climatology are related to deviations in precip from local climatology -GPCP uses this OPI in the pre-SSM/I period at high latitudes -It is available in monthly and pentad files; we have not pursued it at the instantaneous level due to the higher information content used in the next product

4 2.PRIOR WORK (cont.) The alternative we chose is working with satellite soundings -Susskind et al. (1997) developed a calibrated cloud volume proxy from TOVS Precip = revised cloud depth * cloud fraction * ƒ ( latitude, season ) -The calibration is TOVS swath data vs. daily FGGE station precip data -Results show low precip rates, very high fractional occurrence done as a regression uses instantaneous data as a proxy for daily data has only one sample for the day cloud top ht. – ( scaled RH + scaled cloud fraction ) 0 = sat. sfc  500 mb 9 = dry “ 0 = overcast 4.5 = clear

5 2.PRIOR WORK – GPCP Monthly SG Version 1 deficiencies -Data voids at high lat. -Low values in high-lat. ocean Susskind et al. (1997) TOVS adapted for use in Version 2 -Recalibrated to SSM/I at mid-lat., gauge at high lat. The accuracy of interannual fluctuations at high lat. is not yet resolved TOVS algorithm currently applied to AIRS (beginning May 2005) GPCP V.1 (mm/d) 1988-99 GPCP V.2 (mm/d) 1988-99

6 2.PRIOR WORK – GPCP One-Degree Daily SG experience encouraged us to use TOVS at high lat. in 1DD -By month, at 40°N and 40°S separately, compute rate and occurrence adjustment to daily TOVS to match low-latitude results (from Threshold Matched Precipitation Index), and apply in the appropriate hemisphere 40°-pole -Very appealing results; minimal data boundaries TOVS algorithm currently applied to AIRS (beginning May 2005)

7 2.PRIOR WORK – GPCP One-Degree Daily (cont.) Daily averages over the Baltic Sea basin show good skill -Bias is related to gauge adjustment from monthly product -Day-to-day events entirely driven by TOVS (in parallel to IR in the band 40°N-S) Figure courtesy of B. Rudolf, DWD/GPCC

8 3.INSTANTANEOUS RATES How best to develop an instantaneous sounding- based scheme? As we got serious, the A- Train showed up! -CloudSat provides a “curtain” of cloud/ precip data at all latitudes -AMSR-E provides 2D maps of precip -Here, sfc-based CloudSat echo corresponds to AMSR-E rain area -CloudSat echo based above the sfc shows up in AIRS, but not AMSR-E A B C A B C CBA Reflectivity Low High AMSR-EAIRS CloudSat

9 3.INSTANTANEOUS RATES (cont.) As a first step, we calibrated Susskind et al. (1997) AIRS to AMSR-E for Jan. 2004 -Compare AIRS, AMSR-E, calibrated AIRS for one descending node -Qualitative agreement 0416-0505 UTC 19 January 2004 AMSR-EAIRSCal. AIRS

10 3.INSTANTANEOUS RATES (cont.) Example of AIRS filling in a feature over snow where AMSR cannot reliably estimate AMSR-E Calibrated AIRS 16 January 2004 mm/d Land precip feature

11 3.INSTANTANEOUS RATES (cont.) Month-average of Susskind et al. (1997) AIRS calibrated to AMSR-E for July 2006 -calibration by lat. bands: Ocean:90-30°N, 30°N-S, 30-90°S Land:90-40°N, 40·°N-S, (40-90°S) Coast:global Cal.AIRS (mm/d) July 2006 AMSR (mm/d) July 2006 Diff. (mm/d) July 2006 -Note opposing within-band (east-west) differences -Implies regime dependence – same scaled cloud volume maps to different AMSR-E rain rates in different places

12 4.NEXT STEPS Design and implement a new AIRS cloud volume scheme based on comparison with AMSR-E and CloudSat Develop a merged AMSR-E / AIRS swath dataset -How can we gracefully transition from AMSR-E to AIRS at high latitudes and in cold/frozen land? Apply the revised cloud volume scheme to ATOVS and TOVS to develop an improved long-term record at high latitudes Throughout, particularly with the operational ATOVS, sounding retrievals work best in clear cases and worst (or fail) for precipitating cases Explore model data -Include model precip in high-lat. comparisons -Consider similar profile-based estimates for models (T and RH profiles better than precip?) -Look toward combinations of observation- and model-based estimates

13 5.SUMMARY Historically, we lack the physically direct sensors for high-latitude and cold-region precip that are available for tropical rain The Susskind et al. (1997) scaled cloud volume algorithm for TOVS (and AIRS) has seen successful use in GPCP Version 2 monthly and 1DD Early development work with AMSR-E and CloudSat data seems promising for an instantaneous version Once high-frequency microwave sensors/algorithms are in place, scaled cloud volume could serve at high latitudes as IR serves at low, by providing -Lower instantaneous skill, but availability to fill holes -A long record

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