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Cosmic Rays for ATLAS Commissioning Commissioning Meeting ATLAS Physics Workshop Athens May 2003 Halo+Cosmics group: M.Boonekamp, F.Gianotti, R.McPherson,

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Presentation on theme: "Cosmic Rays for ATLAS Commissioning Commissioning Meeting ATLAS Physics Workshop Athens May 2003 Halo+Cosmics group: M.Boonekamp, F.Gianotti, R.McPherson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosmic Rays for ATLAS Commissioning Commissioning Meeting ATLAS Physics Workshop Athens May 2003 Halo+Cosmics group: M.Boonekamp, F.Gianotti, R.McPherson, P.Nevski, J.Pinfold, R.Soluk Cosmics Info:

2 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop2 Overview  Scheduled ~ 40 days of cosmic running end 2006  Could also imagine cosmic running with only calorimeters earlier, and further running in January—March 2007 (machine cool down) IS IT USEFUL?  Study: Cosmic rates entering ATLAS cavern Hit or Geant “Digit” rate in different detector elements Calorimeter energy deposition (Triggers) (Offline Reconstruction)

3 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop3 ATLAS Geometry SX1 PX14 PX16 PX15 UX15 USA15  Shafts (PX14 and PX16)  Large windows Critical to include in simulation  G3 Geometry Surface buildings PX14, PX16 Shielding Concrete …

4 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop4 Current Geant 3 simulation Rock ~ Silicon 600m x 600m x 200m deep (2.33 g/cm 3 ) Air Concrete Density = 2.5 g/cm 3 Surface building PX14/16 shielding PX14 (14 m Inner Dia.) PX16 (10 m Inner Dia.) Full ATLAS Geant 3 Simulation (atlsim) - Release 6.0.3 - Initial detector - Full B fields

5 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop5 In progress: refined description  Ground density variation with depth  Suspension halls  Other caverns (USA15, US15) Being implemented by R.Soluk and J.Pinfold in consultation with CERN civil engineers Can be used for later simulations

6 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop6 Cosmic  Flux  Two generators used so far PDG approximation formula Single muon flux (Energy, cos  ) Neglects muon decay-in-flight Fit to measured fluxes Code from Alois Putzer (ALEPH simulation) Agrees at few % level with measured fluxes  Allkofer et al, Phys. Lett. 36B (1971), 425; A. Dar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983), 227 For E  > 50 GeV Agreement < 20% level between 2 generators  Third generator also under study (Soluk) “CORSIKA” full cosmic ray shower program Useful for cosmic ray physics studies with ATLAS Includes “multi-muon” events, not present in other generators

7 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop7 Sample studied  PDG single  flux with cuts: SURFACE : 0.35 < cos  < 1  (above 70 o hit earth’s curvature) 50 GeV < E  < 5000 GeV -300 m < X 0 < +300m -300 m < Z 0 < +300m  (allow  at 70 o to enter ATLAS cavern) ATLAS Y=0: use speed-up cuts (track extrapolation) -30 m < X(Y=0) < +30 m -30 m < Z(Y=0) < +30 m SURFACE RATES (before Y=0 cuts): 3 x 10 -4  / (cm 2 s) 1 x 10 6  / s CURRENT SAMPLE: 1.2 x 10 9  18 min)

8 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop8 Cosmics  in 0.01 sec

9 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop9 Kine Distributions … “Cavern”: ATLAS G3 volume  E, cos  of  entering cavern

10 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop10 Kine Distributions … “Digit”: Any G3 digit (mostly MDT)

11 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop11 Kine Distributions …  Through-going RPC digit, Y>0 RPC digit, Y<0 ID Digits  Can(?) adjust LVL1 RPC trigger for these

12 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop12 Kine Distributions …  Through-going RPC digit, Y>0 RPC digit, Y<0 Pixel Digits  LVL1 RPC trigger should work (with timing adjustments)

13 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop13 Digit Distributions …  Detector planes From digit counting Number of “ihit=1” hits

14 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop14 Digit Distributions …  Detector planes From digit counting Number of “ihit=1” hits

15 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop15 Digit Distributions …  Detector planes From digit counting Number of “ihit=1” hits

16 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop16 Digit Distributions …  Detector planes From digit counting Number of “ihit=1” hits

17 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop17 Digit closest to (0,0,0)

18 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop18 EM Cal Transverse Energies  EM endcaps and barrel  ECALREC for reconstruction and clustering  EM Scale

19 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop19 Tile Energy  Tile calorimeter  Used DIGI(4) for energy  EM Scale

20 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop20 HEC Energy  Hadronic EC  Used DIGI(4) for energy  EM Scale

21 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop21 FCAL Energy  Forward Cal  Used DIGI(4) for energy  EM Scale

22 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop22 Rates Summary SystemCondition Rate (Hz) ATLAS Cavern --3400 Any G3 Digit --1450 Through RPC Y>0 x RPC Y 0 x RPC Y<0 x ID DIGI13.7 Going RPC Y>0 x RPC Y 0 x RPC Y<0 x PIX DIGI0.34 Passed |Z DIGI | < 300, |R DIGI | < 60 cm 6.05  origin  origin |Z DIGI | < 100, |R DIGI | < 30 cm 1.12 |Z DIGI | < 60, |R DIGI | < 20cm 0.32 E T CELL > 5 GeV 0.09 EM Cal E T CLUSTER > 5 GeV 0.21 E TOTAL > 5 GeV 0.36 Tile Cal E TOTAL > 20 GeV 1.37 HEC 0.14 FCAL 0.015 Rate error (generator comparisons)  20%

23 Athens May 2003ATLAS Physics Workshop23 Summary, Plans  Working cosmic  G3 (atlsim) MC for ATLAS Different generators 4-vectors samples of muons entering cavern ZEBRA event files for offline studies  Rates seem to be large enough for initial electronics shake-down Dead channel maps, electronics+DAQ checks, etc.  To-do: triggers and offline reconstruction … Simplified trigger studies: have input already for LVL1 RPC (Gianpaolo Carlino, Leandro Nisati, Stefano Veneziano) and Tiles (Alan Watson), and also from Nick Ellis Full trigger studies: switch to full ATHENA trigger simulations, currently under development Many issues for both triggers and reconstruction due to non- pointing, out of time tracks must be studied Studies: reconstruction, alignment, calorimeter calibration …

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