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Basic Map Projections AP Human Geography. Distortion and Projection All maps have distortion. Why? Best projection? Depends on how you use the map?

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Map Projections AP Human Geography. Distortion and Projection All maps have distortion. Why? Best projection? Depends on how you use the map?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Map Projections AP Human Geography

2 Distortion and Projection All maps have distortion. Why? Best projection? Depends on how you use the map?

3 Mercator (1569) Designed to aid ships; good at finding location; bad at distortion of poles

4 Robinson Projection Good at fixing pole distortion; good for general use (common in classrooms)

5 Peters Projection (1974) Controversial; b/c distorts familiar land shapes Corrects distortions of Africa and S. America

6 Dot Maps

7 Isoline

8 Choropleth

9 Cartogram

10 Proportional Symbol Map

11 Scale Displaying the same geographical features at various scales may also depict misleading results. For example….





16 Manipulating Data Data may also distort desired results. The following slides show how population of a particular cohort may be misleading.



19 NYC = Texas?




23 SO Cal = Texas?

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