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August 20071 Priority 7 Review Team 7: Planning Subcommittee R. Hall-Allen, M. DesVignes, J. Moore, R. Romali, R. Tillberg Increase the resources available.

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Presentation on theme: "August 20071 Priority 7 Review Team 7: Planning Subcommittee R. Hall-Allen, M. DesVignes, J. Moore, R. Romali, R. Tillberg Increase the resources available."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 20071 Priority 7 Review Team 7: Planning Subcommittee R. Hall-Allen, M. DesVignes, J. Moore, R. Romali, R. Tillberg Increase the resources available to the college through state and district allocation process and through extramural development efforts.

2 August 20072 3 Areas of Review 1.Identify what has been accomplished using vital signs and other key indicators 2.Identify gap between strategic goals and outcome 3.Recommendations

3 August 20073 Strategic Priority 7.1 Develop and Implement a master planning process that links planning and budget.

4 August 20074 Background Strategic Priority 7.1 Develop and implement a master planning process that links planning and budgeting. As part of the development of a new strategic plan for the college—“Creating an Urban Oasis of Learning”—a comprehensive master planning process was developed. This systems approach ties together both long term (6 year) and short term (1 year) aw well as creating a plan, act, check cycle that drives continuous improvement. The “Snowman” describes how the pieces and, specifically, how planning and budgeting are linked. The responsibility for overseeing the master planning process falls to the SGC’s Planning Committee that meets for six months each year. SGC’s Budget Committee has responsibility for the budget process. Moore: Annual Program Review requests for increased funding reference specific departmental goals from the Master Plan. Written and oral reports are reviewed by EPC and Shared Governance Budget subcommittee. A formal process for providing emergency funding has been approved and the process includes review by Ed Planning and the Budget subcommittee of Shared Governance. A similar procedure has been developed for reviewing administrative units with requests for funding referencing specific strategic goals. Reports are to be reviewed and approved by the budget subcommittee. Planning and Budget subcommittees of Shared Governance schedule meeting so that members can attend both meetings fall 2004

5 August 20075 Strategic Priority 7.2 Develop the institution’s capacity to reallocate scarce resources.

6 August 20076 Background Strategic Priority 7.2 Develop the institution’s capacity to reallocate scare resources The Budget Committee picks up where the Planning Committee leaves off each year. In addition to allocating additional resources based upon the unit’s ability to articulate a need that aligns with the college priorities and unit goals, the committee will address status quo budgets in an effort to reallocate scare resources. (EPC and program viability?) Eastcott : Annual Program Review requests for increased funding reference specific goals from the Master Plan, and written and oral reports are reviewed by Shared Governance Budget subcommittee. A formal process for addressing emergency funding also includes review by Ed Planning and the Budget subcommittee of Shared Governance. A similar procedure has been developed for reviewing administrative units with request for funding referencing specific strategic goals and reports are to be reviewed and approved by the budget subcommittee. Members from Planning and Budget subcommittees of Shared Governance work together— meet year around and schedule meeting so that committee members may attend both meetings. An out-of-budget-cycle budget request procedure was put in place in fall 2004 and an emergency funding was approved through this new budget process in fall, 2004.

7 August 20077 Vital Signs Used as Measures of Success for Priority 7 Degree to which faculty, staff, and administrators believe the college is increasing available resources (Campus Climate Survey). Budget Dollars per full time equivalent student. Percent of college community that believes the college’s budgeting process meets the needs of the institution. (Survey). Number and percent of prioritized allocation requests that are funded.

8 August 20078 Degree to which faculty, staff, and administrators believe the college is efficiently allocating its resources (Campus Climate Survey).

9 August 20079

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11 August 200711 Recommendations Priority 7.1 1.Establish a centralized coordinated effort under SGC to develop links between all plans, align goals, provide continuity and insure that all plans are integrated into main stream. 2.Continue established Shared Governance Planning process of monitoring and updating Strategic Master Plan. 3.Strengthen process for other plans: Ed Master Plan, Information Technology Plan, Facilities Master Plan, Equity Plan, Staff Development Plan, and insure that reviews of these plans are conducted and monitored, similar to the Strategic Plan review model.

12 August 200712 Recommendations Priority 7.2 Continue current process including the following 1.The Shared Governance Council Budget Committee’s evaluation of priority lists from Academic Affairs, Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office contribute to the process of creating a college-wide budget prioritization list. 2.The Budget Allocation Subcommittee of the Educational Planning Committee reviews and prioritizes Annual Unit Plan requests; similar processes for prioritization should be put in place for Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office. 3.Process of requesting Foundation funding for academic programs through IDWG Executive Committee; similar processes should be put in place for Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office.

13 August 200713 Priority Summary Below Expectation GoodExem- plary Recommendations Priority 7.1 X Establish a centralized coordinated effort under SGP to develop links between all plans, align goals, provide continuity and insure that all plans are integrated into main stream. Continue established Shared Governance Planning process of monitoring and updating Strategic Master Plan; strengthen process for monitoring other plans: Ed Master Plan, Information Technology Plan, Facilities Master Plan, Equity Plan, A/AA Plan, SOD, Staff Development Plan; and conduct reviews in similar method as the Strategic Master Plan review model. Priority 7.2 X The Shared Governance Council Budget Committee’s evaluation of priority lists from Academic Affairs, Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office contribute to the process of creating a college-wide budget prioritization list. The Budget Allocation Subcommittee of the Educational Planning Committee reviews and prioritizes Annual Unit Plan requests; similar processes for prioritization should be put in place for Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office. Process of requesting Foundation funding for academic programs through IDWG Executive Committee; similar processes should be put in place for Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office.

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