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1 “Local Governance, Economic Recovery & Sustained Growth” The Role of the USAID Iraq Local Governance Project January 20, 2004 - Rebuild Iraq Expo.

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1 1 “Local Governance, Economic Recovery & Sustained Growth” The Role of the USAID Iraq Local Governance Project January 20, 2004 - Rebuild Iraq Expo

2 2 What is the Iraq Local Governance Project? USAID Local Governance Project (LGP) was established in early May with one of the first postings in Basra, Southern Iraq LGP’s first phase provided grants for restoring basic services Current or second phase focuses on building capacity of local institutions

3 3 What is the Iraq Local Governance Project? The USAID LGP is designed to build capacity and promote accountability and transparency of local institutions – local government and civil society. In essence, the program’s overall goal is to help build local institutions and bring good governance to them.

4 4 What is the Iraq Local Governance Project? As of December 31, 2003 there were 225 international professionals deployed to 17 governorates working with over 1,000 Iraq staff/specialists LGP advisors work closely with the CPA Governorate Teams in an effort to achieve improved local governance.

5 5 How to achieve improved local governance? Local government quickly restores access to basic services; Local government decision making is more transparent and participatory; Local services are delivered more effectively and efficiently; and Civil society influences local government decision making positively

6 6 What has LGP achieved? Trained governorate councils on setting meeting agendas, conducting public meetings, establishing council procedures, documenting council decisions Created interim district advisory councils, neighborhood advisory councils and other local councils across Iraq to enhance public participation for more than 15 million Iraqis

7 7 What has LGP achieved? Strengthened advocacy and civic oversight capabilities of district advisory councils and neighborhood advisory councils Trained local government entities on budget planning, accounting, auditing, resource allocation and budget implementation

8 8 What has LGP achieved? Facilitated restoration of and access to basic services  Increased access to water for more than 4.8m people  Increased access to sewer & sanitation services for more than 5.2m people  Provided more reliable electricity services for more than 7.1m people  Increased access to primary health care services for more than 5.8m people

9 9 Economic Recovery at the Local Level To promote economic recovery is to build local government capacity to deliver basic services and to support economic development, particularly private sector growth Economic recovery post conflict also involves infrastructure development – water, sewer, power, municipal facilities, etc.

10 10 Economic Recovery at the Local Level A key role of the local government is to provide a stable environment for potential investors to stimulate business growth This will entail promoting transparency, accountability and establishing the rule of law relating to government transactions and activities.

11 11 Next steps for the LGP Build capacity of local governments to:  Articulate strategic economic and social development plans in consultation with citizens  Develop investment plans to implement the economic and social development plans  Identify and use local resources, the national fiscal system, partnerships, donor resources for investments  Provide customer-oriented local services

12 12 Local Governance and Basra Business Development Activities Basra Chamber of Commerce (CoC)– CPA South, with LGP support, to assist CoC to develop 5-year plan Basra Business Center – LGP to participate in consortium bid to develop business center in Basra

13 13 Local Governance and Basra Business Development Activities Employment Centers – LGP is working with Ministry of Labor to create employment centers throughout Iraq LGP and Basra Planning Directorate working together to update the province’s master plan for economic development

14 14 Local Governance and Basra Business Development Activities LGP will continue to work closely and cooperatively with CPA South and local government to help create a positive business development environment – particularly mentoring Iraqi specialists to sustain project activities

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