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Objectives and Challenges for Christian Education in the Netherlands Wim Kuiper President Besturenraad.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives and Challenges for Christian Education in the Netherlands Wim Kuiper President Besturenraad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives and Challenges for Christian Education in the Netherlands Wim Kuiper President Besturenraad

2 2 Besturenraad: Association for Christian Education in The Netherlands 540 members 2250 schools 800,000 pupils and students

3 3 Our members

4 4 Our organisation Office of 65 FTE staff Turnover € 7.300.000 (2010 estimate) Office in Woerden Website

5 5 Our objectives Looking after the interests of Christian schools, colleges and universities and providing services including: Lobbying with government authorities organizing networking activities providing knowledge exchange giving advice and support school boards and management

6 6 Our services Legal Services Consultancy - Governance - Human Resources - (Christian) Identity - Management and Finance - Quality Control - Marketing Research, training and courses

7 Titel aanpassen in de master slide | 7 Dutch Educational System Characterized by ideological divisions Revision of 1848: freedom of education Pacification in 1917: full constitutional equality between public and independent schools By law, the State finances public and independent schools The right to give education of any kind Parents are free in the choice of schools Little influence of churches Civil society

8 8 Developments since the late 60-s From a secular, depillarized to a plural postmodern society : multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-ethnical, multi-religious. Consequences for both, public and independent, schools

9 9 Challenges for Christian education Segregation Islamic schools Non-discrimination rules Demographics Economization of education Loss of identity

10 10 Current political climate New government New political landscape Changes Challenges

11 11 Our agenda Protecting educational system Focus on quality of education rather than control-driven governmental approach Legislation, e.g. on good governance, mergers in education Religion and education Focus on identity Focus on role in our cultural pluralistic society Increasing awareness of the impact of the European institutions on national educational policy

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