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1 Getting Free Help: States’ Experiences with the SLDS State Support Team STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 11, 2012 Corey Chatis, State Support Team.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Getting Free Help: States’ Experiences with the SLDS State Support Team STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 11, 2012 Corey Chatis, State Support Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Getting Free Help: States’ Experiences with the SLDS State Support Team STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference July 11, 2012 Corey Chatis, State Support Team Peg Votta and Mike Ferry, RI Department of Education Jan Kiehne, CT Board of Regents for Higher Education Stock photo.

2 2 Session Overview State Support Team (SST) 101 Revamped Technical Assistance Approach Rhode Island’s Experience with the SST Connecticut’s Experience with the SST Questions from Audience

3 SST 101

4 4 What is the State Support Team? Free help: technical assistance initiative of the SLDS program We are not the Feds Available to all states, regardless of SLDS grant status Who are we? Experienced state data systems experts with expertise in early childhood, K12, postsecondary, and P-20W sectors What do we do? Provide individual and group assistance to states addressing a host of SLDS-related issues Facilitate communication and collaboration across states working on similar issues; share best practices among states

5 technical design P-20W data linkage collaboration with districts data governance/quality privacy/security state/district relationships master data management indicator development project management data use SST support can include areas such as: 5 Stock photo.

6 6 SST Services Overview What are the SST Services? More structured approach to technical assistance, focused on the foundational aspects of SLDS with the most common need among states. Clearly defined purpose and deliverables Set of associated resources (templates, presentations, guides) for use with SST assistance, or for states to use on their own Current services  Project Planning and Management  Data Governance  Stakeholder Outreach

7 Revamped TA Approach

8 Each state (and territory) has a primary SST contact. Each state’s “go to” SST member: helps to identify needed resources works with you to develop & implement an individualized technical assistance plan engages other SST members as needed provides ongoing support New Technical Assistance Approach Stock photo.

9 Rhode Island’s Experience with the SST

10 10 RI’s Experience with the SST Identified Need SLDS Support – One concrete example o Pre-SST – Research Assistance o Too many projects – too many vendors o Scope Creep – Build or buy? A RI Crossroad Assistance SST Provided Jeff Sellers, Jim Campbell o The Process o The Credibility

11 11 RI’s Experience with the SST, cont. Results of Assistance RI regained control of its SLDS destiny High level interaction with SLDS project RI knows it has a credible, objective champion Next Steps for State Data Governance – new structure, handbook Data Team K-20 Research committee, governance and structure Higher Education Data warehouse Data Quality Training WHY WOULD ANYONE TURN DOWN INCREDIBLY CAPABLE FREE HELP?

12 Connecticut’s Experience with the SST

13 13 CT’s Experience with the SST Identified Need Needed neutral input on technical & political feasibility of 2 approaches for linking data Assistance SST Provided Two-day site visit to meet with each stakeholder group and production of Cost-Benefit Analysis Results of Assistance Cross-agency support for one model to link data Next Steps for State Currently working on contract with agency to implement the model Stock photo.

14 14 CT’s Experience with the SST Identified Need Cross-agency governance guidance & structure Assistance SST Provided -Conference call presentation -Site visit presentation -Documentation Results of Assistance -Cross-agency support for governance model -Restructuring of workgroups according to model Next Steps for State Formalize the governance structure through documentation Stock photo.

15 15 CT’s Experience with the SST Identified Need Regroup and energize Early Childhood efforts to link data Assistance SST Provided Planning and facilitating an Early Childhood Data Conference Results of Assistance -Successful energizing event with old and new EC stakeholders -Development of key EC policy questions Next Steps for State Being defined with assistance from SST Stock photo.

16 16 CT’s Experience with the SST Identified Need Understand how to structure cross-agency agreements under the new FERPA guidelines Assistance SST Provided PTAC review of diagram, internal discussion and guidance Results of Assistance Information needed to develop a draft MOU Next Steps for State Draft MOU currently being reviewed by PTAC. Revise as necessary and move to signatures Stock photo.

17 17 CT’s Experience with the SST Identified Need Intra-agency governance for State Department of Education (SDE) during significant political / managerial upheaval Assistance SST Provided -Sounding board / guidance -Neutral party to help plan and facilitate meeting among co- departments given leadership transitions Results of Assistance SDE established an SLDS governance body that is providing vision and support for K-12 SLDS system Next Steps for State -Completing grant goals -Expanding SLDS to include data from other departments and initiatives Stock photo.

18 Questions from Participants

19 Contact Info and Resources: Corey Chatis: Mike Ferry: Jan Kiehne: SST general help: SLDS SST webpage: SLDS GRADS website: 19 State Support Team Update

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