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Nike’s Annual Report Analysis Your Name Your Class / Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Nike’s Annual Report Analysis Your Name Your Class / Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nike’s Annual Report Analysis Your Name Your Class / Period

2 Instructions Using the link below to Nike’s Annual report you will summarize Nike’s current operations, risk factors facing the industry and Nike, and current financial status. You will use this work product in your major project (Nike Shoe). Do a thorough job and make your Pie charts appealing to look at. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!!

3 General Information When was Nike incorporated and where? What is the principal business activity of Nike?

4 Products What are the seven key categories does Nike focus their product offerings on? – 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. – 5. – 6. – 7.

5 Products- Continued Nike places are large emphasis on two things in products designed for men, women, and children. What are those two things? – 1. – 2. What are the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Nike? – 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. What is a wholly-owned subsidiary? (you will have to go ask Google for this answer)

6 Sales and Marketing What two things affect the demand for Nike’s consumer products? – 1. – 2. What three things does Nike do to respond to trends and shifts in consumer preferences? – 1. – 2. – 3.

7 United States Market Create a PIE chart reflecting the distribution of U.S. Retail Stores:

8 Competition What are the four important aspects of competition in the athletic footwear, apparel, and equipment industry? – 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. What five things does Nike do to help market their products? – 1. – 2. – 3. – 4.

9 Risk Factors Choose 10 Risk factors that you feel are the most important to understand (think like a Nike product developer). Insert slides as needed.

10 Revenues- Page 19 From the data shown on page 19 of the 10K, create a Pie chart reflecting the distribution of Nike’s Brand Wholesale Equivalent Revenues by Category (running, basketball, football, men’s training, women’s training, action sports, sportswear, other). Remember the required component parts of a pie chart!

11 International Revenue Distribution To understand trends and shifts on an international level, create two pie charts (side by side) for Fiscal 2012 and Fiscal 2011

12 Distribution of North American Market Per Product Offering Create a Pie chart showing the distribution of revenues in North America per Product Offering.

13 Greater China Revenue Distribution Per Product Offering Create a pie of the Greater China revenue distributions per product offering. How does this differ from the North American market?

14 A Look Ahead: Nike Promotional Mix 2/13/nike-digital-marketing/ 2/13/nike-digital-marketing/ When you have finished start reading this article from Fortune Magazine about Nike’s current marketing strategy and trendy promotional mix.



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