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Gauge bosons (W/Z) A report to the PDG Advisory Committee Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu INFN, Genova TIFR, Mumbai (Encoders/Overseers)

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Presentation on theme: "Gauge bosons (W/Z) A report to the PDG Advisory Committee Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu INFN, Genova TIFR, Mumbai (Encoders/Overseers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gauge bosons (W/Z) A report to the PDG Advisory Committee Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu INFN, Genova TIFR, Mumbai (Encoders/Overseers)

2 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Introduction CC+AG: 12 years coverage of W/Z, 1992– 2004 Except 1994-96 when we covered only the Z Will mention here the evolution of statistics, current status and then what is expected from now (November 2004) to March 2006 when the next hardcopy edition will be finalized.

3 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Evolution of statistics Papers read: 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006(Oct) ? 80 86 93 98 83 31 20 Nodes (Particle properties): 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Z 47 75 107 128 134 134 140 W 14 14 15 28 30 30 Pages in RPP 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Z 7 13 15 18 18 20 21 W 2 3 3 5 7 7 7 (*) Five disfavored TGC related nodes discarded

4 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Coding and data entry Literature search => CC & AG read papers independently and make notes. Comparison => exchange and compare notes; decide action on each paper via e-mail/meeting at CERN Code the data as ps/pdf file; exchange file; check it ps/pdf file to LBNL (Betty/Piotr) for entry; sends back to CC & AG for checking and correction if needed. Sent to verifiers. Evaluate and include their comments/ suggestions as needed. Enter non-PDF fit results. Update/ write new mini-reviews. FINALIZE AND LAST CHECK AT LBNL.

5 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Brief recapitulation 1992-2002: period of intense activity in W/Z, with LEP (ADLO), SLC (SLD), TEVATRON Run-I (CDF,D0) producing a torrent of data and publications. The number of NODES and PAGES in RPP increased by a factor of 3. LEP: to match the huge statistics, the systematic errors had to be reduced & for combining results from four experiments obtained over several years, special averaging procedures were devised to account for correlated errors.

6 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Working groups To devise proper averaging procedures to account for correlations - between experiments (same beams/M.C. models/ theory input to extract measurements) - between different data runs/ years - due to use of > 1 measurements within a fit to extract the best value of a quantity LEP Electroweak Working Group; LEP W-group Klaus Monig => CC for Z -> b bbar/c cbar AG for Z-lineshape, W-mass, branching ratios THIS LEP WG=PDG INTERFACE PLAYED A CRITICAL ROLE OVER THE YEARS. Now TEVATRON EWWG has taken shape and would play a similar role when RUN-II data is analyzed and published.

7 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Mini-reviews PDG: Providing world averages a crucial task (most quoted reference). Consequence of complicated averaging procedures: Long mini-reviews as explanations. Notes on Z-boson, W-mass. Mini-reviews also useful to Clarify terminology, give latest preliminary results on important quantities.

8 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Mini-reviews - 2 Other mini-reviews: on W-TGC’s (gamma WW, ZWW), ZZ gamma, Z gamma gamma, ZZV Couplings Anomalous W/Z Quartic couplings. All are revised for every hardcopy/WEB edition, and a new one written if necessary.

9 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Status in RPP 2004 Z: line-shape and lepton forward-backward asymmetry related data finalized in RPP 2002. Had expected ALL LEP papers (W and Z) to be finalized by end-2003 in time for RPP-04, but some analyses remain to be published: LEP1: Z -> heavy flavor (b,c); LEP2: Final papers on W related measurements SOME ARE NOW COMING (OCT 04 LIST)

10 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 W-mass This is an IMPORTANT remaining quantity from LEP2. And requires a complicated analysis to obtain the best LEP value. 4 measurements at threshold + 4 x No of energy points (7) direct W- mass measurements from qqqq and qql nu channels. To use inter-year, inter-channel, inter-experiment correlations of systematic errors due to ISR/FSR, hadronisation, detector systematics, LEP beam energy, BE effects,color reconnection: LEP W-MASS Combine with Tevatron (CDF + D0) + UA2 to obtain world average W-mass measurement Finally combine with Mw/Mz, Mz – Mw, Z-mass measurements to obtain the BEST WORLD average W-mass

11 Carlo Caso & Atul Gurtu: Report on W/Z to PDG Advisory Committee, LBNL, 14 November 2004 Expectations for 2005-06 Final LEP papers on Z -> b/c and W BR’s now coming in (Oct 04 list). Expect W-mass papers from LEP to be coming soon. Very likely: All LEP inputs are in by time of the 2005 Web update Tevatron RUN-II papers for RPP 2006

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