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The Middle Ages (300 – mid 1400’s CE)

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle Ages (300 – mid 1400’s CE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle Ages (300 – mid 1400’s CE)

2 What was the Middle Age? A historical period in Europe stretching from the fall of the Roman Empire in the 4th century to the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th century Medieval period Dark ages

3 What were the Middle ages like?
Feudal system A political-economic-social system of landholding. Class structure very rigid

4 What were the Middle Ages Like?
The basic chain of feudalism was as follows: 1. God 2. Kings 3. Nobles (Barons, Bishops, etc.) 4. Knights- who did not own land 5. Serfs or peasants- who did not own land

5 What were the Middle Ages Like?
Rise of the Catholic Church Most of Europe converted to Catholicism Pope of grand importance. Had great power in all aspects of life Influence on art, litterature, achitecture Three estates (Social Classes) Aristocracy Clergy Commons

6 What were the Middle Ages Like?
Knighthood Duty of male above a commoner was in the military Dubbed once intense training ended Fierce warriors loyal to the state Women in the Middle Ages No political rights Subservient to men Husband or father determined her position

7 What were the key events of the Middle Ages that set the stage for the Renaissance?
Growth of cities and towns Eventually, the increasing population in cities and towns made the feudal system close to obsolete. New classes emerged (upper, middle, lower)

8 What were the key events of the Middle Ages that set the stage for the Renaissance?
The Crusades The Crusades ( ), a series of wars waged by European Christians against Muslims, were waged during the period. Results of the crusades Scholasticism (discovery and study of ancient Greek writtings) Increase in trade (food and clothing materials) National taxes Advances in art, science and technology Universities

9 What were the key events of the Middle Ages that set the stage for the Renaissance?
The Magna Carta The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215. The Magna Carta was a document that limited the Church’s power. The Hundred Years War The English and French entered into the Hundred Years’ War ( ) This war showed that England was no longer represented by the knight but by the commoner. Common people were taking up the fight for their country.

10 What were the key events of the Middle Ages that set the stage for the Renaissance?
The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) The Black Death, or bubonic plague, struck England in The Black Death was highly contagious and killed approximately one third of the population. The Black Death caused the end of feudalism.

11 What were the key events of the Middle Ages that set the stage for the Renaissance?
The Silk Road A trade route that passed from the eastern borders of Europe terminating in the desert regions of western China Traded items such as silk, glassware, spices, paper etc Other things passed along Understanding of religion, science, technology, philosophy, music and math. Made people want to become traders and travel Not all things passed in the Silk Road were good Spread disease (black death)

12 The Result? A NEED FOR REBIRTH!!!!

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