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Training with Technology Using technology to make the learning process more smarter 0COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

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Presentation on theme: "Training with Technology Using technology to make the learning process more smarter 0COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training with Technology Using technology to make the learning process more smarter 0COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

2  Computer-based training is, in a general sense, a reproducible system of instruction conveyed through the use of a computer for the purpose of training an individual.  Simply stated, computer-based training (CBT) is training that is done at a computer instead of in a classroom or by reading a book.. 1COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

3 CBT programs can be classified as: 1. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), in which the program provides drill (tool) and practice. 2. Computer-Managed Instruction (CMO), in which the program evaluates the student's test performance, guides him/her to appropriate instructional resources and tracks progress; and 3. Computer-Enriched Instruction (CEI) in which the computer serves as a simulator or programming device. 2 COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

4 3 Factors Affecting Technology Use in Training  Environment  Course design  Trainee characteristics  Trainer proficiency  Management support  Technological support COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

5 4 Environment ( Smart Classroom Factors )  Wiring system ( Cables, wireless)  Seating (work stations or spread out seating)  Temperature control  View or sight lines  Lighting (brighter projection, backlit projection, zone lighting)  Audio  Security  Mobility  S/W (Learning Management System LMS S/W) COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

6 5 Trainee Characteristics  Willingness to learn  Basic computer skills  Time management skills  Problem solving skills COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

7 6 Trainer Proficiency  Confidence  Positive attitude  Ability to generate ideas  Ability to work as a team player COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT) Note: It takes twice the amount of time to prepare a course using a new technology.

8 7 Course Design  Interactivity : Users can take feedback from the system  Reusability : divided in parts that can be useful in different scenarios  Portability: can be used in different LMSs COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

9 8 Management Role in Tech Training  Set goals  Accept change  Empower  Use a team approach  Benchmark COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

10 9 Types of Training Media  Video  Computer Based Training (CBT)  Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI)  Web-Based Training (WBT) COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

11 10 Video Advantages  Low cost  High quality  Auditory instruction  Portability  Consistent information  Easy to administer COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

12 11 Video Disadvantages  Lack of interaction between trainees  Lack of personalization  Lack of control by the trainer  Lack of group interaction COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

13 12 Computer-Based Training (CBT) Lesson is delivered on a computer without trainer involvement.  Disk  CD-Rom /DVD  Personal data assistants COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

14 13 CBT Advantages  Improved learning because multiple modes of media are used  Proceed at trainer’s pace  Immediate feedback  Trainer as coach  Consistent content  Measurability  Customization COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

15 14 CBT Disadvantages  Implementation costs  Hardware and software requirements  Technological support needed  Unfamiliar medium  Difficulty in interpreting the content  Low or no interaction (in-person interaction) COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

16 15 CBT Components  Tutorials  Drill and skill  Problem solving  Games  Simulation COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

17 16 Technical Requirements  Minimum CPU speed  Storage and memory space  Connection speed type  Software COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

18 17 Media to Integrate  Video  Audio  Property management systems  Point-of-sale systems on a trainee mode  E-mail  Internet resources  On-line texts COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)

19  htm htm  Blankenhorn, J. (1999). "How cost-effective is computer-based training?" Wood Technology, 126, 29-30.  Congram, G. (1995). "Computer-based training simplifies safety compliance". Pipeline& Gas Journal, 222, 52-54.  Lawson, S. (1999). "Computer-based training: Is it the next wave?". Professional Safety, 44, 30-33.  COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT)18

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