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Prayer List Published on 25 May 11 Announcements Published on 25 May 11.

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2 Prayer List Published on 25 May 11

3 Announcements Published on 25 May 11

4 Deuteronomy WeekDateTopic 109 Mar 11Chapter 1:1-2:23 – Introduction and Moses’ Address 216 Mar 11Chapter 2:24-4:43 - Conquest, Transition, Covenant 323 Mar 11Chapter 4:44-6:25 – The Law 430 Mar 11Chapter 7:1-11:32 – Application of the Principles 506 Apr 11Chapter 12:1-14:21 – First Three Commandments 613 Apr 11Chapter 14:22-18:22 – 4 th and 5 th Commandments 720 Apr 11Chapter 19:1-23:14 – 6 th and 7 th Commandments 827 Apr 11Chapter 23:15-25:19– 8 th thru 10 th Commandments 904 May 11Chapter 26:1-27:26 – Covenant law and preparation 1011 May 11Senior Blessing – No classes 1118 May 11Chapter 28:1-68 – Blessings and Curses 1225 May 11Chapter 29:1-30:20 – Moses’ Final Address 1301 Jun 11Chapter 31:1-34:12 – Moses’ Final Actions

5 References Constable Notes on Deuteronomy – Primary Guzik – Commentary on Deuteronomy Padfield – Farewell Message To A New Generation JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)

6 Key Points for Today’s Lesson Review last week’s class found in Chapter 28 Study Deuteronomy 29-30 Learn about Moses third address to the Israelites and his appeal for them to remain faithful Learn about the possibility of restoration for future generations of Israelites Learn about the importance of obedience Israelites were to understand that the key decision is good versus evil, to love God or not love God

7 Last Week’s Class Review last week’s class found in Chapter 26-27 Studied Deuteronomy 28 Learned about the blessings for obedience to God’s Word Learned about the curses for disobedience Examined the five views provided by Moses to the Israelites describing what would happen if they failed to obey God’s word Reviewed historical examples of where these view came true

8 Pentateuch In Context Man can experience God’s blessing through trust and obedience Genesis – man is a finite creature made in the image of God, fallen in sin, unable on his own to enjoy a relationship that God Exodus – human sin leads to enslavement Leviticus – reveals more fully that man is a sinner and that he is different and separate from God Numbers – shows redeemed sinners enjoying the benefits of atonement but fall away Deuteronomy – God loves us, we should love God

9 Historical Background Title in Hebrew is ‘elleh haddebarim – meaning “these are the words” English title Deuteronomy means “second law” in Greek – However, it isn’t a second law, it merely restates/explains the law as Moses already given Written around 1406 BC, shortly before Moses dies on the plains of Moab Written by Moses – See 1:5, 9; 5:1; 27:1, 8; 1 Ki 2:3; Matt 19:7-8; Acts 7:37-38; Rom 10:19

10 Historical Background Continued Contains primarily history and instructions and is similar to Leviticus –Preached, not taught All events take place across the Jordan river from Jericho on the plains of Moab Within a few weeks prior to Israel’s entrance into Canaan

11 Hebrew Calendar

12 Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border Book of Numbers picks up in the final days leading up to Israel’s crossing of the Jordan river as outlined in the book of Joshua



15 Key Lessons Of Deuteronomy God desires to bless people through a relationship with Him This blessing can be experience through trust and obedience We as the sinner redeemed are servants of God our master God loves people and we should love God God manifested His love for Israel through laws Israel demonstrated love by obeying these laws

16 This section covers the words of the covenant given to the children of Israel in the land of Moab – Israel had made a covenant with God 40 years prior at Mount Sinai (Ex 24:7-8) – Most that received that covenant had died Israel saw great wonders, but didn’t understand them (vs. 2-4) – Plagues, parting of the Red Sea, manna – Miracles themselves could not accomplish anything in Israel’s hear – God had not sent His Spirit to change their hearts God’s Blessings for Israel (29:1-4)

17 During Moses’ leadership in the wilderness, the Israelites saw the great works of God – Clothes and sandals did not wear out – Even without bread or wine, they were nourished Spiritual counterpart in our lives (Guzik) – In the wilderness, God gives us clothing (Rev 3:18) – He gives us shoes (Eph 6:15) – He gives u bread and drink (1 Cor 11:23-26) – In Him we conquer our enemies (Rom 8:37) – We can take the land of our spiritual enemies (2 Cor 10:4-5) God’s Great Works for Israel (29:5-9)

18 Those included in the covenant (vs. 10-15) – The entire nation of Israel – Leaders, men, women, children, and even servants – Descendants of the those gathered on that day Judgment against covenant-breakers (vs. 16-20) – Israel was well aware of the abominations that existed in the Canaanite lands – Some would eventually break the covenant and try to reason with themselves, “I follow my heart, I have peace” – However, God’s would severely punish them Covenant Renewal (29:10-20)

19 So that current and future generations would learn from those that did not follow the covenant (vs. 21-28) – When they see the devastation that comes from breaking a covenant, they will be aware that God’s punishment is true – Price of disobedience to God’s commands is not worth it God’s revelation to Israel (vs. 29) – Moses provides a principle of how God speaks to us – Six key points can be gleaned from this section Purpose of Judgment (29:21-29)

20 He never declares everything to man – He has knowledge that we can never grasp (Is 55:8-9) God does reveal some things to man – We must listen carefully God’s message is meant to say something to us – There is a message which belongs to us God’s message is inter-generational – His message applies to us today, as in the past God’s message is eternal God’s message must matter to us How God Communicates with His People

21 Soon, the blessings and curses will come upon Israel (vs. 1) – Israel must remember them God promises to reassemble Israel in the Promised Land (vs. 2-5) – After the punishment, He will still gather Israel back – Captivity, exile, slavery, etc., like in Babylon Spiritual reassembling of Israel as well (vs. 6) Blessings upon a repentant Israel (vs. 7-10) – When Israel returns to God, He will bless them and curse their enemies Restoration (30:1-10)

22 The covenant that God made with Israel (the Old Covenant) was well within Israel’s ability to comply with (vs. 11-14) – Remember, the Law was only one aspect of the old Covenant – There were also aspects of sacrifice and choice Choice (vs. 15-18) – Israel had a choice between life or death, good or evil – God would glorify Israel either way Choose life (vs. 19-20) – Israel had to choose, just as we do today Choose Life (30:11-20)

23 Review Studied Deuteronomy 29-30 Learned about Moses third address to the Israelites and his appeal for them to remain faithful Learned about the possibility of restoration for future generations of Israelites Learned about the importance of obedience Israelites were to understand that the key decision is good versus evil, to love God or not love God Next week: Finish up with Deuteronomy 31-34

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