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Caty Pilachowski IUB Astronomy Telescopes: From Galileo to Hi-Tech Giants Mini-University 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Caty Pilachowski IUB Astronomy Telescopes: From Galileo to Hi-Tech Giants Mini-University 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caty Pilachowski IUB Astronomy Telescopes: From Galileo to Hi-Tech Giants Mini-University 2005

2 Beginnings… This sketch of a telescope was included in a letter written by Giovanpattista della Porta in August 1609

3 Thomas Harriet’s Drawings of the Moon and Sun

4  Invented by the Scottish mathematician James Gregory in the early 1660s  Newton communicated the details of his telescope to the Royal Society in 1670 Newton and his Reflecting Telescope

5 Telescopes and how they work from lenses… to mirrors

6 Technology moves forward…

7 The 3.5-meter WIYN telescope Kitt Peak, Arizona

8 New Telescope Technology  “Fast” mirror  Lightweight mirror  Mirror shape controlled  Mechanically simpler mount  Temperature control

9 Casting the WIYN Mirror

10 Polishing the WIYN Mirror

11 The WIYN New Technology “Dome”  Compact telescope chamber  Open for ventilation  Insulated to keep cool  Heated spaces kept separate

12 Breaking the “cost curve” New technology provides better performance at lower cost WIYN

13 in 6-8 meter telescopes WIYN TECHNOLOGY

14 8-10 Meter Telescopes Today  Keck Telescopes  Gemini North and South  ESO’s Very Large Telescope  Subaru  Hobby-Eberly Telescope and SALT  MMT Observatory  Magellan  Large Binocular Telescope

15 The Twin Keck Telescopes on Mauna Kea  Two 10-meter telescopes  “segmented” mirrors  36 hexagonal segments  Keck I in 1993; Keck II in 1996

16 ESO’s VLT Cerro Paranal, Chile Four 8.2 meter telescopes  Antu (the Sun)  Kueyen (the Moon)  Melipel (the Southern Cross)  Yepun (Venus - as evening star)

17 Subaru on Mauna Kea  Built by Japan  8.2-meter mirror  supported on air  superb images

18 New technology telescopes give new views of the universe  How is the Universe put together?  What is the Universe made of?  Is there life elsewhere?

19 How is the Universe put together?  The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe tells us about the state of the Universe 400,000 years after the Big Bang. How did the Universe evolve from this…

20 …to this?

21 The cosmic web of intergalactic gas and galaxies in a young universe Intergalactic gas Clumps concentrated by dark matter lead to galaxies Observing the assembly of galaxies Galaxy building blocks observed with Hubble Simulation

22 WMAP also provides evidence of the first stars  Tiny fluctuations in polarization  About 200 million years after the Big Bang

23 Can we see the first stars? Simulation To “see” the first stars, we need a 30-m telescope! (Barton et al., 2004) 4 million LY hydrogen emission from hot stars Green=hot gasyellow=stars

24 The composition of stars and gas: everything else 90% hydrogen atoms 10% helium atoms Less than 1% everything else What is the Universe made of?

25 But ordinary matter is only part of the story… 96% of the Universe is something else

26 Galaxy interactions require more mass than we can see Antennae Galaxy (HST) Computer simulation The real thing

27 Dark Matter  The universe contains additional matter we cannot see  Dark matter interacts with normal matter through gravity  Dark matter does NOT interact with light the way the normal matter does  The Universe contains 5 or 6 times MORE dark matter than normal matter  All galaxies are embedded in clouds of dark matter  We do not know what it is!

28 “Redshift” of Galaxies  The spectra of galaxies are shifted to the red: galaxies are moving away from us.  The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it recedes from us!

29 Hubble’s Law

30 The speeds of very distant galaxies tell us the Universe is expanding faster today than in the past The brightness of stellar explosions tells us how far away galaxies are

31 The universe is expanding faster today than it did in early times This expansion cannot be caused by ordinary or dark matter, which slows expansion. The acceleration suggests a new repulsive force (anti-gravity) acting on very large scales The Universe is speeding up!

32  Dark energy accounts for 73% of the content of the universe  Dark matter accounts for 23%  The content we’re familiar with is only 4% The New Force Is Called “Dark Energy”

33  We don’t know What is Dark Energy? Identifying what dark energy is requires bigger telescopes and new techniques

34 Is there life elsewhere? Artist’s conception of 55 Cancri’s planetary system More than 150 planets found around other stars Most are vastly different from our Solar System

35  detecting planets directly is hard  planets are small and dim  planets are near much brighter stars  detecting planets directly requires large telescopes (30-meters) and/or special instruments Detecting Planets

36  text The importance of image quality typical ground- based image Hubble image WIYN image The Ring Nebula

37 Adaptive Optics – Correcting distortions caused by the Earth’s Atmosphere

38 How does it work???

39 UH-88”, Courtesy W.Brandner, 0.65” seeing 4’ 40” 5” >220 stars in 5”x5” Gemini N/Hokupa’a-QUIRC (U of H/NSF) The Power of Adaptive Optics

40 An exoplanet orbits a brown dwarf “star” at a distance of about 55 AU (the star and planet are about 200 light years away) From the ESO Very Large Telescope

41 Imaging planets around other stars “Brown Dwarf” orbiting a star at the same distance as Saturn from our Sun Gemini/Keck AO detection by Michael Liu (IfA), 2002

42 With a 30-meter telescope we can obtain the spectra of planets around other stars to search for the signatures of life Simulation by Sudarsky et al. 2003 Simulation of the spectra of 55 Cancri’s planets

43 Connecting the First Nanoseconds to the Origin of Life

44 New Telescopes to Answer New Questions  30-meter telescope  8-meter survey telescope  James Webb Space Telescope  Virtual Observatory

45 The giant, segmented-mirror telescope To study the formation of the first stars and galaxies will require a new generation of larger telescopes Bigger than a football field! JWST

46  8.4-meters  Triple-fold optical design  3 billion pixel-camera  30,000 gigabytes each night LSST Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope  Survey the sky each week  Real-time data analysis  3 billion sources + transients

47 Exploring the Dark Universe with LSST

48 WIYN and the Future: ODI  One Degree Imager  1 billion pixels:  32,000 x 32,000 pixels  “on chip” image correction

49 ODI in the Astronomical Landscape The best wide-field imager, current or planned Diagnostic Imaging Information rate 2nd only to LSST (in 2012+) Image quality  median seeing 0.7”  sampling 0.11”  image correction Time resolution  2-4s readouts  faster for small regions

50 IU Science with ODI  Star clusters and stellar evolution  The history of nearby galaxies  Surveys of faint and distant galaxies

51 Beyond 30-meters ESO’s Overwhelmingly Large Telescope

52 Websites of Interest  Indiana Astronomical Society   National Optical Astronomy Observatory Image Gallery   Hubble Space Telescope Images   Amazing Space   NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day   Astronomical Society of the Pacific   The Stonebelt Stargazers 

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