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UCSB Actuarial Club April 26, 2012. 2012 Strategic Plan Update.

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Presentation on theme: "UCSB Actuarial Club April 26, 2012. 2012 Strategic Plan Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCSB Actuarial Club April 26, 2012

2 2012 Strategic Plan Update

3 3 33 The actuarial profession From: In traditional markets, diminishing relevance and/or decreasing demand. To: Significant and increasing relevance and demand in traditional and new markets

4 4 44 Value of the actuary From: Widely perceived as a technical expert. To: Highly sought-after risk professionals with demonstrated business acumen and technical expertise.

5 5 55 Globalization From: Predominantly U.S. and Canadian membership with U.S. centric services. To: The SOA attracts and serves members in sustainable actuarial communities around the world.

6 6 66 Recognition of SOA credentials From: Low awareness among non-actuaries. To: SOA credentials recognized across industries and valued internationally.

7 7 77 Candidate attraction From: Math-oriented individuals aspiring primarily to technical excellence. To: Best and brightest representing a variety of skills and aspirations from technical excellence to senior business and policy leadership.

8 8 88 Research philosophy From: Varied mix of research projects reaching mostly limited and specialized audiences. To: Advances actuarial knowledge, expands the boundaries of actuarial science, strengthens practice and informs public policy.

9 9 99 Perceived value of SOA From: Limited awareness and understanding of SOA value beyond providing the credential. To: Retain focus on value of the credential while expanding understanding and appreciation of SOA’s additional services/roles.

10 Interviewing 

11 11 Do Your Homework  Know the profession;; What actuaries do you know? Informational interviews  Know yourself What are your intentions? Know what you don’t know

12 12 Interviewing  Know the company Annual reports Google alerts LinkedIn  Be relevant Relate experience to the business  Make it a conversation Engage the interviewer It’s a learning opportunity

13 13 After the Interview  Follow Up Thank you Ask to stay in touch  Close the Loop What did you learn about the profession; yourself?

14 14 Contact Information  Kara Clark, FSA, MAAA  Junjie Zhang, FSA, MAAA

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