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English 9 Warm Up 8/28/15 Directions: I am going to show you several slides with different sentences. Determine the part of speech for the underlined word.

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Presentation on theme: "English 9 Warm Up 8/28/15 Directions: I am going to show you several slides with different sentences. Determine the part of speech for the underlined word."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 9 Warm Up 8/28/15 Directions: I am going to show you several slides with different sentences. Determine the part of speech for the underlined word.

2 Here are your options… 1.Noun 2.Pronoun 3.Verb 4.Adjective 5.Adverb 6.Preposition 7.Conjunction 8.Interjection

3 1. They attended the concert last weekend.

4 2. Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.

5 3. The truck driver delivered the packages quickly.

6 4. Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.

7 5. My friends and I walked home after school.

8 6. I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch yesterday.

9 7. She was counting the ballots during social studies class.

10 8. Hey! That’s my seat.

11 9. Will they finish the test on time?

12 10. The diagram was pretty complicated for us.

13 11.He will practice his musical piece soon. 11.Reggie saw the awesome sight from the air. 11.Her sister is the oldest member of the group. 11.Check the score, Tom.

14 15.Will the students be able to find the answer by themselves? 16.Are you sure of yourself? 15.They slowly carried the couch down the stairs. 15.Can you see beyond the hills from the top of the tower?

15 19.Hurray! Our team has finally scored a touchdown. 19.The troop had been scattered throughout the woods.

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