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Who and how? Who are your key constituents? How do they choose who they want to support? 1.

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2 Who and how? Who are your key constituents? How do they choose who they want to support? 1

3 Are you doing important work? Feeding the hungry is important! Show what clients get Demonstrate your impact on the community 2

4 Are you well managed? ACP Board of Directors Demonstrate best practices –Record keeping –Communication with donors (monthly newsletter) –Dedicated volunteers 3 Provide statistics and give full disclosure

5 Will their gift make a difference? Show funding sources and significance of gift Provide multiple volunteer/donor options –Pantry 365 membership –Truck driver –Board member –Data entry 4

6 Will the experience be satisfying? Place volunteers where they fit Show gratitude for the donor/volunteers money/time –Pantry 365 luncheon –Volunteer appreciation picnic –Christmas luncheon –Recognition plaque –Volunteer T-shirts 5

7 Our shared key constituent The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank –We couldn’t exist without them! 6

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