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New Jersey State Driver Exam Review. 1. What are the shapes and colors of a yield, stop, and railroad crossing sign?  Yield a red and white triangle,

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Presentation on theme: "New Jersey State Driver Exam Review. 1. What are the shapes and colors of a yield, stop, and railroad crossing sign?  Yield a red and white triangle,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Jersey State Driver Exam Review

2 1. What are the shapes and colors of a yield, stop, and railroad crossing sign?  Yield a red and white triangle, octagon red, yellow circle black X RR

3 2. What must a teenager with his/her permit carry with them at all times when driving?  Registration, permit, insurance

4 3. When can you use a cell phone while driving?  accidents or emergencies

5 4. What should you do at an uncontrolled intersection…two or more roads join and there are no signs or signals?  reduce speed and be ready to stop if necessary

6 5. What signs or road markings would you see at a controlled intersection?  stop, traffic lights, road markings etc.

7 6. What does 2 solid lines down the center of the road mean? What about 1 solid and 1 broken? What about 1 broken line?  2 solid lines no passing  1 solid line and 1 dotted one side pass  broken line pass both sides

8 7. When are road surfaces most slippery?  first few minutes of rain fall

9 8. When can points be added or deducted from your license?  deducted: if you are clean for 12 months 3 are reduced  added: moving violations

10 9. What is the no-zone principle?  Truck’s blind spots

11 10. How should you take a curve?  slow down, accelerate ¾ thru curve

12 11. When driving a around a curve which way will your car tend to curve?  Straight

13 12. What does a yellow light mean? A green light? A red light?  slow down, go, stop

14 13. How much liquor, wine and beer equals one drink?  1.5 ounce liquor,  5 ounces wine  12 ounces beer (can or bottle)

15 14. What should you do at a railroad crossing when the lights are flashing?  stop 15 feet away

16 15. What penalties can you get for attempting to get a NJ license illegally? What if you alter a license?  Illegal- fine is $200-500 and or 30-90 days of imprisonment, licensed suspension  Alter- fines up to$1,000, 6 months imprisonment, loss of driving privileges

17 16. In bad weather conditions how much longer will it take a truck to stop? A truck takes 25% longer to stop

18 17. What is the legal BAC for a person 21 and older to drive? What about a person under 21? Your risk of getting in a motor vehicle accident with a BAC of.10% is how many times as great?  over 21-.08  under 21-.01  BAC.05%- double the risk  BAC.10%- 6 times as great .15% BAC- accident risk increased by 25 times

19 18. When you get your permit, you need to practice driving with someone who has what requirements?  NJ license for at least 3 years 21 years old

20 19. What hours can you not drive with your permit or probationary license?  11:01pm – 5 am permit You can drive from 5:01 am and 11 pm

21 20. What is the child restraint law and what are the restrictions on it?  D all of the above- under 5 back seat, under 18 months back seat, etc.

22 21. How far away can you park from a fire hydrant? 10 feet  15 feet

23 22. What precautions should you take when driving in a city?  look 12 seconds ahead

24 23. What is the 2-second rule and when should it be used?  look at an object that doesn’t move and count to 2 one thousand- determines following distance.

25 24. When is it okay to turn on red?  When there is no sign that says no turn on red  When traffic is clear and it is safe.

26 25. What is the only thing that can sober up a person that has been drinking?  time

27 26. What is the best way to talk to other drivers?  use horn, light and hand signals

28 27. What should you do with unused license plates?  turn them in to MVC

29 28. In what circumstances must you yield?  pedestrians, emergency vehicles, vehicle on the right at an intersection.

30 29. When are you allowed to use studded snow tires?  between November 15 and April 1

31 30. Where do you turn your tires when you park uphill with a curb? Uphill without a curb? Uphill or downhill without curbs?  Uphill- turn wheels away from the curb  Downhill- turn wheels towards the curb

32 31. What would happen to you if someone who was drunk got into an accident after leaving your home?  You’d be involved in a lawsuit.

33 32. How long is your license valid for?  4 years

34 33. Where can you not park?  on crosswalks, no parking zones, tunnels, bridges, private property, etc.

35 34. What should you do in the event of driving while you are emotional (angry, sad, excited)?  pull over try to calm down and focus yourself

36 35. When turning from a 2-lane road to a 4-lane highway, what is the best approach ?  turn in the middle of the intersection then into the first available lane closest to you.

37 36. What should you do in the event of a skid?  do not hit gas or brakes turn wheel in direction that the back of the car is skidding. Opposite of the front.

38 37. When driving, if you drift onto a dirt shoulder and want to go back on to the pavement, what is the best approach?  turn signal on, look for traffic, slowly return to road and match posted speed.

39 38. What should you do if you have a flat tire or a tire blowout?  grip wheel, slowly coast to the side of the road for safety.

40 39. When should you dim your lights to low beams?  if another car is approaching you or if someone is behind you when your high beams are on.

41 40. When should you flick your lights to high beams  in open country roads

42 41. How long do you have before you tell MVC about a change of address? Change of name?  address- 1 week  name- 2 weeks

43 42. What is highway hypnosis and how can it be avoided?  when you stare at the same thing after long periods of driving. Can be avoided by not staring at the same thing for a few seconds and moving eyes around.

44 43. What is hydroplaning and what should you do if it happens? At what speed can hydroplaning occur?  riding on top of the water- no gas no brakes brace yourself and attempt to steer out of harms way.  35 mph

45 44. When moving in to New Jersey from another state you have how many days before you need to get a NJ license? How many days do you have before you must get your car inspected?  60 days or before out of state license expires.  car inspected within 14 days of registering it.

46 45. What should you do when an emergency vehicle or a car with red or blue flashing lights passes you?  pull to the very right side of road and let them pass you. be alert, be prepared, act in time.

47 46. What is the accident prevention formula?  be alert, be prepared, act in time

48 47. What is the speed limit on state highways? School zones? Residential areas unless posted otherwise?  55- 25- 25

49 48. What are the passenger restrictions of an examination permit or probationary driver who is 21 years of age or older?  No restrictions. Any number of passengers may be present

50 49. When should turn signals be used? How far in advance must you put them on?  when turning or changing lanes- 100 feet in advance

51 50. You are on a two-lane road and there is a stopped school bus, what should you do?  stop 25 feet behind. On other side of road if there is a median in the middle slow to 10 mph

52 51. What side of the road do we drive on and what are a few reasons why we wouldn’t drive on that side of the road?  right side- we wouldn’t drive here to change lanes, turn left, etc.

53 52. At what age and under what circumstances may a special permit holder or a provisional license holder attain their basic license?  18 years old after practicing for 1 year of provisional license and permit practice for 6 months, no traffic violations

54 53. When should you have wipers and headlights on?  During daylight hours and when rain, snow, or ice is on the ground

55 54. What is the acceleration lane? Deceleration lane?  gain speed  decrease speed

56 55. When driving who/what should you yield to?  pedestrians, emergency vehicles, vehicles on right at intersection

57 56. What are the hand signals and what do they mean?  right turn- arm out and hand up  left turn- left arm straight out  slow/stop- arm down palm facing backwards

58 57. What should you do if you miss an exit on the expressway ?  go to next one

59 58.What is a space cushion?  space in front, behind, and on side of vehicle to prevent accidents

60 59. What stopping precautions should you take when driving at night?  stop within the distance you see ahead

61 60. When you have your license returned to you after a suspension you are on a probationary period for how long?  1 year

62 61. How long is the provisional restriction on the provisional license?  1 year.

63 62. Under what circumstances would one go to a remedial driving training class?  4 or more points, license suspension, DUI conviction, not getting their license renewed

64 63. What is the implied consent law?  you refuse a breath test the police will take you to a hospital to get a blood test as well as a possible night in jail

65 64. Every vehicle in New Jersey must be insured for what?  Liability

66 65. What 3 things do you need with you at the time of your road test?  supervising driver, permit, registration, insurance

67 66. What does alcohol impair?  reaction time, judgment, ability to think clearly

68 67. What is a proper following distance when driving?  1 car length per every 10 mph

69 68. What kind of conviction will result in an insurance charge?  Driving under the influence, refusing a breathalyzer, driving while unlicensed or suspended, no liability insurance on vehicle

70 69. How much is a fine for a violation on the GDL permit or provisional license?  $100

71 70. If a student driver commits a traffic offense whose fault is it?  the student’s and the supervising driver

72 71. Who can drive a moped?  Must have moped, motorcycle, or basic license

73 72. What is a diamond shaped sign?  Construction or warning sign

74 73. What is a special warning sign?  A red outside triangular shaped sign with an orange inside normally seen on the back of trucks.

75 74. When will a motorist get a fine?  If you do not clear you vehicle of snow or ice, leaving your vehicle idling, not moving over for emergency vehicles

76 75. When operating your vehicle on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal, how many points will you get on your license?  2 point moving violation

77 76. What are the passenger restrictions of a GDL license or permit holder (under 21)?  Dependents and one additional person, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian

78 77. On snow covered roads it is best to maintain a following distance of how many seconds or more? 6666

79 . What should you do after driving through a deep puddle?  Test your brakes

80 79. What kind of parking is done on city streets and is difficult for new drivers to learn?  Parallel parking

81 80. Refusing the breath test is equal to driving with a.10% BAC and a MVC surcharge of how much?  $1000 for 3 years

82 81. Why should you keep a safe distance while driving?  Give you time to react to emergencies

83 82. How much braking distance will it take a vehicle to stop on a dry surface when driving at a speed of 60 mph?  300 feet

84 83. When driving or stopping behind a large truck or bus what must you do?  Leave enough space so that the truck driver can spot you, in his rearview mirror

85 84. Before calling for help if your gas pedal sticks, what should you do?  Shift to neutral and steer the vehicle off the roadway

86 85. How should your head and body be positioned when driving in reverse?  Turned to the right until you can see out the window without using mirrors

87 86. What does driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages mean?  The driver’s senses and judgment are impaired

88 87. When are you allowed to drive when your license is suspended?  You are NOT allowed to drive until the suspension ends and your license is given back

89 88. Who do you report lost or stolen licenses to?  Police

90 89. If your license is suspended and you get into an accident where someone gets injured, what can happen to you?  License continues to be suspended, fines paid, jail (maybe)

91 90. While having a special learner or examination permit a motorist must enroll in a probationary driver program when they received how many points or moving violations?  Moving violations- 2 or more  Total points- 4 or more

92 91. What should you do in order to share the road with buses and trucks?  Leave extra road space, maintain a consistent speed when passing

93 92. What must all GDL drivers display on their vehicle?  1 reflective red decal on the front and rear license plate

94 93. An unlicensed driver aged 13- 21loses their driving privileges if convicted of what things?  Buying alcohol, DUI, graffiti, setting false alarms

95 94. What do you need to look out for in farm or open country land?  Livestock or deer crossing

96 95. Driving on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal will give you how many points?  2 point moving violation

97 96. What should you do if your brakes give out?  Shift to a lower gear and pump the brakes

98 97. What can happen to you if you don’t stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk?  $500, up to 25 days in jail, 6 month, suspension, 2 points, community service

99 98. How are seatbelts helpful?  Keep you from sliding, hitting windshield, being thrown

100 99. When will fines be doubled?  Safe corridor and construction/work zones

101 100. You can fail your road test for what obstruction with you and the examiner?  Anything between you both and the console

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