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Jennifer Wysocki. According to the CDC-CDC Motor vehicle crashes are the LEADING cause of death for U.S. teens. In 2010, seven teens ages 16 to 19 died.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Wysocki. According to the CDC-CDC Motor vehicle crashes are the LEADING cause of death for U.S. teens. In 2010, seven teens ages 16 to 19 died."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Wysocki

2 According to the CDC-CDC Motor vehicle crashes are the LEADING cause of death for U.S. teens. In 2010, seven teens ages 16 to 19 died EVERY day from motor vehicle injuries. Problem-

3 Improve teen driving performance by providing essential practice time through simulator driving. Goal-

4 The Professional Simulator Seat is a metal structure that lifts your entire simulator up off the floor and brings all your equipment together. Gives an authentic experience to a real life car seat. Ability to put pedals, steering wheel and monitors in the frame Purchase at fessional-simulator-seat.html fessional-simulator-seat.html Price- $1399

5 The software to correspond with the driving equipment Learn Road Rules & practice all the basic and essential driving skills with a realistic 3D driving simulation program for your computer. Students will become comfortable enough with driving to remember to routinely look around, check blind spots, use mirrors, turn signals and headlights, and be aware of your speed. Purchase at ide-he.html ide-he.html Price- $75 Driver Education Suite 2012

6 It teaches students to use an automatic, passenger vehicle with or without a small trailer attached. By pressing buttons on the wheel or keyboard, users can turn to look to their- Left Right Monitor blind spots Look directly behind their virtual vehicle for approaching traffic and obstacles SimuRide is also a driving Simulator for the people with Special Needs. Software Description

7 Gxx Racing Wheel with shifter Module, Gas, Brake, Clutch Pedals Power Supply Six-speed shifter & Sequential shift mode 900 degrees of wheel rotation & Force Feedback Buttons & Controls Feels and handles identical to a power steering wheel Purchase at- imuride- steeringwheelcontrolls.html imuride- steeringwheelcontrolls.html Price- $359 Steering Wheel

8 The number of crashes, both within and outside the hazard windows, that trained and untrained drivers were involved in across the two testing sessions (pre- intervention and post-intervention). Standard error bars are added. Statistics show… Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 42, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 2117–2124

9 DRUNK BUSTERS™ Goggles effectively simulate what it is like to be impaired. Use these goggles with the accompanying activity list, and put your students through an actual field sobriety test. This is a fun yet sobering lesson on impairment. Purchase at Price-$134.95 Drunk Goggles

10 The Twilight goggles have a darker lens material, simulating impairment under low light conditions (at night time or adverse conditions). Simulates BAC of.10 to.17 Students can see the effects of being drunk at night time Purchase at http://drivereducationsupplies. com/ http://drivereducationsupplies. com/ Price-$134.95 Twilight Drunk Goggles

11 Fatal Reflections® 3.0 generates a personalized multimedia presentation in news story format that puts students in the middle of tragedy. Engage your audience in a meaningful discussion about the very real consequences of alcohol misuse and abuse and stop it from becoming reality. Purchase at reflections.html reflections.html Price- $199 Fatal Reflections

12 1 Teenage Driver Death is too many. Help teens get the experience and practice they need. Teen Drivers

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