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National Board: Processes, Procedures, and Products ASTL 6325 Mrs. Erin Shaw, NBCT ECYA Library Media 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "National Board: Processes, Procedures, and Products ASTL 6325 Mrs. Erin Shaw, NBCT ECYA Library Media 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Board: Processes, Procedures, and Products ASTL 6325 Mrs. Erin Shaw, NBCT ECYA Library Media 2006

2 Schedule  9:00-9:45  Break  10:00-11:30  Lunch  12:30-2:00

3 Goals for today  Introductions  Course expectations  NBPTS material & other resources  Reflect on your strengths  Commitment  Architecture of a lesson  Evidence – learn how to build a wall  Introduction from portfolio instructions  Contextual information  Homework-Develop a Plan

4 Introductions  Who are you and where do you teach?  What do you know about certification?  Are you a candidate? If so, what area?  What do you hope to get from this course?

5 My Information  (webpage with syllabus and class dates/times)   Cell # 501-581-3013

6 Course expectations  Attendance  Print: certificate standards, portfolio instructions, and scoring guide from  Products: classroom activities, draft of portfolio entry #4, a final exam  Grading: 300 points (test, draft, activities)

7 NBPTS Resources   ognition/nbct.html ognition/nbct.html

8 Think about  What makes you an effective teacher?  What can be used for evidence?  When is the last time that you wrote about a classroom lesson?  Have you saved artifacts for the last five years?

9 Writing Prompt  Write a brief description of a teacher you remember positively from your experience as a student  List the characteristics you believe made that teacher so effective

10 Good teachers…  Focus on student learning  Work towards higher levels of thinking  Understand different needs of students  Reflect for improvement  Continue to learn  Network with others  And…

11 Are you ready?  Is your practice in line with national standards?  Are you able to fulfill requirements for your desired certificate?  Are you confident in your knowledge of your certificate content knowledge?  Do you have artifacts as evidence for accomplishments in family/community, learner, leader/collaborator?  Do you have the time (200-400 hours?)

12 Alternatives to the Certification Process:  Just learn the standards  Support candidates  Become an Assessor  Take One!

13 Good teachers are already accomplished; do not change the way you teach to become certified.

14 Write a paragraph I am an effective teacher for my ____ students because…

15 Einhorn, 2002 Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished Teaching START HERE: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS Who are they? Where are they now? What do they need and when do they need it? Where should I begin? Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these students, at this time, in this setting Implement instruction designed to attain these goals. Evaluate student learning in light of the goals and the instruction. Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of instructional design, particular concerns and issues. Set new high and worthwhile goals that are appropriate for these students at this time. Provide timely, meaningful feedback to students about their level of accomplishment of the targeted goals.

16 THE ARCHITECTURE OF ACCOMPLISHED TEACHING What is underneath the surface? Set new high and worthwhile goals that are appropriate for these students at this time. Evaluate student learning in light of the goals and the instruction. Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these students, at this time, in this setting. Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of the instructional design, particular concerns and issues. Implement instruction designed to attain those goals. Assessment of students: Who are they? Where are they now? What do they need and in what order? Where should I begin? © National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2003. All rights reserved.

17 THE ARCHITECTURE OF ACCOMPLISHED TEACHING What is underneath the surface? Set new high and worthwhile goals that are appropriate for these students at this time. Evaluate student learning in light of the goals and the instruction. Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these students, at this time, in this setting. Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of the instructional design, particular concerns and issues. Implement instruction designed to attain those goals. Assessment of students: Who are they? Where are they now? What do they need and in what order? Where should I begin? START HERE

18 Walls of Evidence Build a strong wall of evidence that documents your teaching practice.


20 Portfolio introduction  Note- instructions may vary by certificate.  Introduction Overview Guidelines  Use their language Read and re-read the standards Read professional literature


22 Homework  Have a plan! –and- Read the Standards.  Organizational Strategies  Read Entry 4 and have accomplishment ideas  Questions?

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