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Student Teaching Abroad

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1 Student Teaching Abroad

2 About Me Namaste! My name is Lukas Gohl, SCSU Class of ’14 and Secondary English Teacher at Oberoi International School in Mumbai (Bombay), India.

3 My Story Last year, I was in your same shoes— a candidate teacher who was excited (and terrified) to finally start doing what I’d been preparing for at SCSU. After all those years studying, however, I knew I was ready for a change. I wanted adventure. I wanted a challenge. I wanted to travel the world and learn things I couldn’t in a classroom or even within the United States. In the Spring of 2014, out of 176 teaching candidates at SCSU, I was one of two who student taught abroad. I think that’s a missed opportunity, and I’m here to tell you why.

4 1. It’s a life-changing experience!

5 2. International experience sets you apart in the job market.

6 3. Scholarships Are Available
Education Department Content Area Departments Study Abroad Office Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

7 4. It could lead you to a great career abroad working with amazing kids!

8 Any Questions?

9 Photo Credits Slide 1: Courtesy of St. Cloud State University. Slide 4: Courtesy of Evelyn Marolf and Meghan Brautigam. Slide 5: Courtesy of Slide 6: Courtesy of the Gilman Foundation.

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