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Sampling BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Technology Year 1 Sound Creation & Manipulation Modulation – LFOs & Envelopes.

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2 Sampling BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Technology Year 1 Sound Creation & Manipulation Modulation – LFOs & Envelopes

3 Learning Outcomes Recall modulation components of a sampler and describe their function: - Envelope Generator - Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) Apply modulation techniques to a sampler patch to modify the sound.

4 Envelope generators Envelope generators are standard features in many synthesizers and samplers. Envelopes can be used to control various parameters. E.g. Volume, Filter controls, FX. Envelopes control these parameters in a Linear fashion (from point A to point B)

5 Envelopes - ADSR Attack (time) Decay (time) Sustain (level) Release (time)

6 ADSR Control – Volume (Amp) Compare the following volume (amp) ADSRs Strings (no release) Strings Piano

7 More than just a volume control ADSRs can be used to control many things (volume, pitch, filter, other synth parameters) For effects that requires Linear control (one way only) E.g. Falling pitch FX – classic cartoon sound Basic version of cartoon drop sound FX – Oscillator pitch to envelope with long attack time

8 LFO – Low Frequency Oscillators Like envelopes, LFOs are a standard feature of synthesisers & samplers. Envelopes = Linear control (one way) LFO = Cyclical control – (Like a pendulum) The middle of the pendulum represents the unmodified signal i.e. no effect. The far edges of the pendulum represent the signal when it is fully modulated.

9 LFO Controls Sync or Free Rate (speed) - Free = cycles per second (Hz) - Sync = Note value (1/4, 1/16, 1/8d, etc) Delay Shape (Sine, Square, Saw, Noise, Inverted waveforms An example: If an oscillator’s pitch is routed to an LFO by 2 octaves and the LFO is running free at a speed of 1 cycle per second (Hz), then the pitch of the oscillator will move between root position and +/- 2 octaves every second. If the LFO shape is a sine wave then this will be a smooth fluctuation. + 2 oct - 2 oct Root

10 Why would we use an LFO? LFO – Low Frequency Oscillators Tremolo Vibrato Filter Modulation To add movement to sounds. To add a rhythmic element to a sound. Dub Step Bass! Route LPF cutoff to a tempo synced LFO. Automate LFO speed throughout track. Special FX (e.g. Sirens, Helicopters) – Cyclical FX

11 Task Modify sounds using the tools we’ve covered using NN-XT. Use Envelopes and LFOs to modify parameters on individual samples within NN-XT. Pitch to LFO Filter to LFO Pan to LFO Volume to LFO Amp (volume) envelope Pitch to envelope Filter to envelope

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