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 Working Together 2014-2015.   Each KEHA Educational Program Chairman develops a 3-year program of work  Area, county and club chairmen provide leadership.

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Presentation on theme: " Working Together 2014-2015.   Each KEHA Educational Program Chairman develops a 3-year program of work  Area, county and club chairmen provide leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1  Working Together 2014-2015

2   Each KEHA Educational Program Chairman develops a 3-year program of work  Area, county and club chairmen provide leadership for implementation locally  Clubs are encouraged to complete at least one lesson or activity from each educational program chairman each year Educational Program of Work

3   2014-15 Focus: Document, preserve and protect “The Trail of Tears”  Explore sites along “The Trail of Tears”  Promote certification of lands along “The Trail of Tears”  Support preservation of historic buildings and lands along “The Trail of Tears” Cultural Arts & Heritage

4   2014-15 Focus: Home Air Quality  Objectives:  Develop awareness of indoor air quality issues  Identity indoor triggers for asthma, allergic reactions and/or other health problems  Improve indoor air quality in your home Environment, Housing & Energy

5   2014-15: Be the “E”: Entrepreneurship  Goal: Introduce youth to the concept of entrepreneurship and help them learn to be entrepreneurs  Contest: Support local businesses 4-H Youth Development

6   2013-15  Focus I: Supporting Military Families  Focus II: Encouraging a Healthier Lifestyle  Focus III: Care of Clothing  Contest: See KEHA Handbook, Page 63 Family & Individual Development

7   2013-15:  Mission Statement: To promote a Commonwealth of healthy living for KEHA members and all Kentuckians through education and prevention  See KEHA Manual, Handbook page 65 for goals, objectives, activities and featured lessons  See KEHA Manual, Handbook pages 66-67 for awards and contests Food, Nutrition & Health

8  Goals for 2013-2016 1.Empower community service in collaboration with our partners (ACWW, CWC, NVON) 2.Continue to support the Kentucky Academy 3.Increase “Coins for Change” 4.Support Kentucky 4-H international programs 5.Present at least one local program on family life in another country 6.Participate in ACWW Grow Locally, Benefit Globally program 7.Support ACWW Water for All 8.Conduct KEHA Exchange International

9   2014-15 areas of emphasis:  Citizenship, Leadership, Volunteerism and Scholarship  Featured Lesson: Communication Essentials for Good Impressions  Ongoing projects:  Evans/Hansen/Weldon & Homemakers Scholarships  Volunteer Service Unit program and recognitions  Community Volunteerism Award  KEHA Endowed Scholarship at UK Leadership Development

10   2014-17:  Focus I: Financial Considerations for Women: Planning for Life’s Major Events  Focus II: Maximizing Your Dollars in Retirement  Focus III: Managing in Tough Times: Rebounding Your Finance$ after Recession Management & Safety

11   Visit the KEHA Website –  Manual – Handbook & Appendix  KEHA Chairmen web pages  Contact the KEHA State Chairmen  Contact area educational chairmen  Read your county newsletter Learn More:

12   Check the KEHA Manual Appendix - pages 2 & 3 for a summary of all contests  Read the detailed information for each program of work contest(s)  Submit your entries with the cover sheet (Appendix page 1) by the set deadlines KEHA Contests:

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