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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, May 23, 2013.

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

3 Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.

4 The Book of Proverbs Chapter 6 “Four Areas of Avoidance”

5 I. Introduction: Vs. 1-5, “Avoid Being Surety.” Vs. 6-11, “Avoid Laziness.” Vs. 12-19, “Avoid the Seven Sins hated by the Lord.” Vs. 20-35, “Avoid Adultery.”

6 V. Avoid Adultery Vs. 20-35

7 Three Themes 1. Verses 20-23: The importance of Bible Doctrine in your soul.

8 Three Themes 2. Verses 24-25: Bible Doctrine protects you from the adulterous woman.

9 Three Themes 3. Verses 26-35: The warning of the dangers and consequences of committing adultery.

10 Vs 24-25: Bible Doctrine protects you from the adulterous woman.

11 Vs. 24, Two forms of protection that the Word of God provides for us.

12 Vs. 24, Two forms of protection that the Word of God provides for us. 1) Protection against sinful people so that we do not commit Overt Sins.

13 “Keep” - SHAMAR “To keep, watch, guard, protect, and preserve.” God’s Word keeps on protecting you!

14 B.D. keeps you out of Satan’s Cosmic System, and inside your Experiential Sanctification; your walk with Christ, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

15 2) Protection against verbal deception so that we do not commit mental attitude sins, i.e., lust or coveting.

16 “Smooth” - CHELQAH, חֶלְקָה, “smooth part, smoothness, or flattery.” Cf. Prov 5:3.

17 “Adulteress”, NOKRIY, נָכְרִי, “foreign, strange, or alien;” A metaphor for the adulterous woman, cf. Prov 2:16; 7:5.

18 The 2 nd protection is against verbal deception and persuasion in the form of flattery or even bulling to try to get you to do something you otherwise would not do. Cf. Prov 7:13-21.

19 The theme of light and darkness is displayed as the Word of God combats various temptations from Satan’s cosmic system and our own Old Sin Nature. Cf. Prov 2:13; 4:18f.

20 Disciplinary reproofs and teaching are complementary, when we have correction it show us the boundaries of the path we should walk, lit up by the teaching of God’s Word. Cf. Psa 119:105.

21 Vs. 25, Two forms of protective action we take to guard our own souls.

22 1) Having mental fortitude.

23 “Do not desire” CHAMAD, חָמַד, with AL, in the Qal Jussive; “To desire, covet, take pleasure in, or delight in.”

24 “Beauty”, YOPHIY, יֳפִ The pleasing and satisfying appearance of things or people.

25 When accompanied by prudence or the fear of God beauty represents the Biblical feminine ideal. Prov 5:18-20; 11:22; 31:30; cf. 1 Sam 25:3.

26 Yet, the desires of the wicked, Prov 12:12, or the godless, Job 20:5, 20 are not in accordance with the desires of The Lord.

27 Desires must be held in check because they can easily cause sinful acts. Cf. Gen 3; 1 John 2:15-16.

28 a) The beauty of the king of Tyre (the personification of Satan) contributed to his arrogance and downfall, Ezek 27:3ff.

29 b) The beauty of the women of Jerusalem was to be replaced with embarrassment, on account of their arrogance and disregard for the oppressed, Isa 3:24.

30 Prov 31:30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

31 We need the empowering Holy Spirit to resist temptation, not just our human volition, Rom 7:7-8:17. The Balance of Residency!

32 2) Having virtue in your soul that leads to virtuous behavior.

33 “Capture” - LAQACH, לָקַח, “To take, to grasp, to seize, or to take away.”

34 A warning not to be taken away from your right relationship on account of the beauty of the adulteress’ “eyelids.”

35 “Eyelids” - APHAPAYIM, עַפְעַפַּיִם, “Eyes or eyelids.” Used figuratively for “dawn or rays of sun,” Job 3:9; and 41:18.

36 Satan’s title was originally, “son of the dawn.” Isa 14:12, “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn!”

37 James 1:14-15, “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.”

38 Summary

39 Summary Vs 24, Bible Doctrine protects us from:

40 Summary Vs 24, Bible Doctrine protects us from: 1) Sinful people so that we do not commit overt sins.

41 Summary Vs 24, Bible Doctrine protects us from: 1) Sinful people so that we do not commit overt sins. 2) Verbal deception so that we do not commit mental attitude sins, i.e., lust or coveting.

42 Vs 25, We protect our own souls by applying God’s Word by:

43 Vs 25, We protect our own souls by applying God’s Word by: 1) Not lusting or coveting after the “beautiful” things of this world, having mental attitude fortitude.

44 Vs 25, We protect our own souls by applying God’s Word by: 1) Not lusting or coveting after the “beautiful” things of this world, having mental attitude fortitude. 2) Not entering into overt sins, having virtuous behavior.

45 Grace Fellowship Church Thursday May 23, 2013 Tape # 13-054 Proverbs Chapter 6 Protection Against Sin Prov 6:24-25; Rom 7:7-8:18; James 1:14-15; 1 John 2:15-16; James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013

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