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Surrealism. What is it?  Surrealism was officially launched as a movement with the publication of poet André Breton's first Manifesto of Surrealism in.

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Presentation on theme: "Surrealism. What is it?  Surrealism was officially launched as a movement with the publication of poet André Breton's first Manifesto of Surrealism in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surrealism

2 What is it?  Surrealism was officially launched as a movement with the publication of poet André Breton's first Manifesto of Surrealism in 1924.  Surrealists did not rely on reasoned analysis; they saw the forces of reason blocking the access routes to the imagination.  Their efforts to tap the creative powers of the unconscious set Breton and his companions on a path that carried them through the territory of dreams, intoxication, chance, ecstasy, and madness  Photography came to occupy a central role in Surrealist activity. In the works of Man Ray and Maurice Tabard, the use of such procedures as double exposure, combination printing, montage, and solarization dramatically evoked the union of dream and reality.  Surrealism is making something unreal seem real. Plays tricks on the mind. Taps into the imagination. Reality is conflated and re-imagined in surprising and evocative ways.

3 Man Ray- American photographer

4 Maurice Tabard- French photographer

5 Jerry Ueselman


7 Erik Johansson “ Inspiration can basically come from anywhere. It’s about seeing connections between things that normally don’t fit together.”

8 “It always starts with an idea and then I just have to sort of figure out how to translate that idea into an image. Every image consists of different parts and because I always want my work to look as realistic as possible, I shoot all of those parts individually with my camera” - Johansson


10 More examples


12 Student work



15 How to do it? It’s called digital compositing  Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image  You can take multiple images and merge them together in Photoshop using masking, blending and selection tools  Make sure when you take all your pictures the lighting is the same, or you will run into issues in Photoshop trying to make it the same. For example if it’s direct light in one picture, it should be direct light in the others too…

16 You can use a “green screen” to take a picture of a subject, then substitute a different background in for the green screen. (very helpful for the levitating pictures! I will show you how later.

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