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The Jefferson Era, 1800–1816 Chapter 10.

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1 The Jefferson Era, 1800–1816 Chapter 10

2 Section 1: Jefferson Takes Office
*Main Idea: When Jefferson became president in 1801, his party replaced the Federalist programs with its own.

3 Election of 1800

4 The Election of 1800 *V. P. Thomas Jefferson -Democratic-Republican candidate *Pres. John Adams - Federalist candidate

5 The Election of 1800 *Dem.-Rep. thought saving the nation from monarchy and oppression and argued the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the Bill of Right *Federalists thought the nation was about to be ruined by radicals – people who take extreme political positions.

6 Breaking the Tie *Dem.-Rep. win pres.
*Tie!! Jefferson & Aaron Burr – 73 electoral votes each! *House of Reps. broke the Burr/Jefferson tie *Federalists control the House of Representatives *Some Federalists fear Jefferson’s views

7 *Others, like Alexander Hamilton, feel Burr is unreliable
Breaking the Tie *Others, like Alexander Hamilton, feel Burr is unreliable *7 days, 35 undecided ballots *36th ballot: Jefferson wins presidency *Aaron Burr – V.P.

8 The Talented Jefferson
*Jefferson had many talents: -advised Washington D. C. architects -skilled violinist, horseman, scientist, reader *His book collection is in the Library of Congress

9 Jefferson’s Philosophy
*Jefferson wanted to unite Americans and promote a common life style *Wanted U.S. to remain a nation of small, independent farmers

10 Jefferson’s Philosophy
*Believes such a nation upholds strong democratic values *Believes in a modest role for the central government

11 Undoing Federalist Programs
*Jefferson sought to end many Federalist policies: -allowed Alien and Sedition Acts to end -ended many taxes including whiskey tax -reduced number of Federal employees and government debt

12 Marshall and the Judiciary
*Adams used Judiciary Act of 1801 to appoint many Federalist judges *New president Jefferson was frustrated with Federalist judiciary *Could not change judges because they are appointed for life

13 Marshall and the Judiciary
*Before leaving office, Adams picked Chief Justice of Supreme Court *Federalist Chief Justice John Marshall in office for over 3 decades *He strengthened the federal courts, presides over Marbury v. Madison, 1803

14 Marbury v. Madison

15 Marbury v. Madison *Before leaving office, Adams appointed William Marbury as a Justice of the peace for the District of Columbia *New Secretary of State James Madison refuseed to install Marbury

16 Marbury v. Madison *Marbury sued, case goes to Supreme Court *Court ruled that law under which Marbury sued was unconstitutional *Unconstitutional: contradicts the law of the Constitution

17 Marbury v. Madison *Supreme Court established the principle of judicial review -judicial review—has final say in interpreting the Constitution -helped establish balance between 3 government branches

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