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IOLI: QSEN Exercise1 Quality and Safety Education in Nursing Situation Background Assessment Recommendation Exercise Jacqui Ioli and (your name )

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Presentation on theme: "IOLI: QSEN Exercise1 Quality and Safety Education in Nursing Situation Background Assessment Recommendation Exercise Jacqui Ioli and (your name )"— Presentation transcript:

1 IOLI: QSEN Exercise1 Quality and Safety Education in Nursing Situation Background Assessment Recommendation Exercise Jacqui Ioli and (your name )

2 IOLI: QSEN Exercise2 Directions Using this PowerPoint as a template, create a mini case study. Fill in the following slides that describe your patient, mention no identifying details for privacy reasons. We will submit the resulting slides as a team to the QSEN website. (you may delete this slide)

3 IOLI: QSEN Exercise3 SBAR S=Situation One line that sums up patient B=Background The systems assessment A=Assessment The bottom line, the priority nursing dx R=Recommendation What we are doing for the patient (you may delete this slide)

4 IOLI: QSEN Exercise4 S=Situation Patient is ___years (months/weeks/days) old ____(male/female) Presented with (biggest problems) With past medical history of (top problems) Here for (main therapy)

5 IOLI: QSEN Exercise5 Picture Go to google images and get a nice picture and add it here, then delete this text and title above. Change text and title to something appropriate to your patient. Make this a case study but with NO IDENTIFYING details Use a reference

6 IOLI: QSEN Exercise6 Background Neuro/HEENT/Psych/Pain everything neck up, includes family Cardiorespiratory—vital signs, heart, lungs GI/GU—eats/drinks/pees/poops MS/Skin—walks/intact Heme/Endo--labs Lines/tests/tubes (this slide may go over to next one, lable header as Background part 2, if normal, chart WNL, if abnormal, chart in detail)

7 IOLI: QSEN Exercise7 A=Assessment What’s the bottom line? Better, worse, same? Priority nursing dx?

8 IOLI: QSEN Exercise8 R=Recommendation What are we doing for the patient? How is your report providing continuity?

9 IOLI: QSEN Exercise9 The diagnosis WHAT is the dx? Brief explanation, 2-3 sent of physiology State how this affected your patient WHO gets this dx and WHY? Brief explanation, 2-3 sent of epidemiology State how this affected your patient Use a reference

10 IOLI: QSEN Exercise10 Safety and the diagnosis HOW and WHERE do nurses intervene to promote safety within this diagnosis? Inpatient and in community settings Brief explanation, at least 3 points Exactly what was unique for your patient?

11 IOLI: QSEN Exercise11 Lessons Learned State 3 things you learned from this patient

12 IOLI: QSEN Exercise12 References

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