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Left-field: do students use the EDS search limiters?

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Presentation on theme: "Left-field: do students use the EDS search limiters?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Left-field: do students use the EDS search limiters?

2 2 Regent’s is… ‒ An independent university ‒ A charity ‒ A not-for-profit higher education formed of seven schools ‒ A multisite Library service

3 3 “Developing tomorrow’s global leaders”

4 4 Regent’s University London interesting times … ‒ Higher education on the site since 1908 through Bedford College ‒ Regent’s College grew out of different educational institutions 1984 – 2009 ‒ Became a University and acquired AIU London in April 2013

5 5

6 6 RULDiscovery ‒ Purchased: summer of 2012 ‒ Implementation: August – October 2013 ‒ Popular!

7 7

8 RULDiscovery focus group : November 2014 6 attendees: all undergrads, different business degrees

9 9 ‒ Purpose: to start gathering feedback about use and experience of RULDiscovery ‒ Make amendments based on that feedback

10 10 ‒ Method: short written questionnaire ‒ 10 minute EDS observed searching exercise ‒ 30 minute structured discussion

11 11 The question: “Do you think that’s preferable…to have this bar (the left-hand limiters) on the side to see what options you can use to narrow your search down?”

12 12

13 13 BA Global Management 1 st year ‒ “…I think the options on the side are the most helpful part of the whole thing because not many people go to the advanced search because there’s the ‘And’ ‘Or’ and stuff like that and it gets really confusing…so it just makes it easier for you, especially when you’re under a bit of pressure to get loads of essays done.”

14 14 BA International Business Management 3 rd year ‒ “Yeh I think it’s perfect, it’s simple to go on the side and have it already there for you to click besides having to change the screen and go into advanced search.”

15 15 BA Media Communications with Management 2 nd year ‒ “It’s what you expect a school resource to look like, it’s different from Google”

16 16 Conclusions: ‒ Very few of the participants used the limiters in the searching exercise ‒ However, all thought that the limiters were important and shouldn’t be hidden

17 17 ‒ Disconnect between views and use of the discovery service ‒ Questions around the idea and expectations of an academic resource… CC creative commons

18 5 individual interviews: March 2015 undergrad and postgrad participants, mix of business and psychology

19 19 ‒ Purpose: To learn more about how students search ‒ To explore the idea of what students think academic resources should/do look like

20 20 ‒ Method: 10 minute observed searching exercise ‒ 30 minute structured interview, using EDS and Google

21 21 Search box is king ‒ Students’ searching style is influenced and controlled by growing up with Google ‒ They search discovery services as they would Google Findings…

22 22 Choice is good…? ‒ They value the options which the limiters provide, although they don’t often know about them or use them ‒ They like the idea of the limiters ‒ They know EDS would be less valuable without the limiters

23 23 Information overload ‒ Amount of information students face makes them selective/‘blind’ to EDS features/limiters ‒ They are likely to stick to what they know/have been shown ‒ Limiter column clutters the page

24 24 “overwhelming” “cognitive overload” “takes too much time” 2 nd year Psychology 2 nd year Global Financial Management

25 25 ‒ Students understand that the limiters are what sets a resource like EDS apart from Google 2 nd year Global Financial Management

26 26 Academic resources ‒ ‘relevant’, free and instant access content ‒ Google is generally seen as an academic resource ‒ Easiest search wins

27 27 Academic searching ‒ Traditional searching style quickly disappearing ‒ Students no longer understand it or think it’s necessary ‒ It’s not about discovery, it’s about finding

28 28 Recommendations ‒ The limiter section should be better sign-posted when hidden ‒ Relevance algorithms need to be improved

29 29 A look into the future?? 3 rd year International Business Management CC creative commons -

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