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Chapter 4 Lesson 1 God’s Plan for Salvation Abraham.

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1 Chapter 4 Lesson 1 God’s Plan for Salvation Abraham

2 Preparation What does this word mean? Can you give some examples? How do you prepare for a party? How do you prepare for Thanksgiving? How do you prepare for a wedding? How do you prepare for a test? If one prepares well, what must one do?

3 God prepared the world for the coming of Christ. Do you think he prepared very carefully? Of course he did! The preparation of the world for the coming of Christ is called salvation history. This preparation for the coming of Christ is recorded in the Old Testament.

4 Turn to page 31 in your textbook. The Old Testament is very big and we do not have time to read all of it. There are some key people in the Old Testament who we will study during these next couple of weeks. These are the Patriarchs-the great fathers of our Faith. The first is Abraham. Why would we call him our “Father in Faith?”

5 Abraham’s Life Call of Abraham: Gen 12 Separation of Abraham and Lot: Gen 13 and 14 Promise of Children: Gen 15 and 18 Isaac is Born: Gen 21

6 Covenant It is an oath or promise that binds two parties together. God promised Abraham three things in his covenant. 1. Numerous descendants to become a great nation 2. The promised land to live in 3. Great blessings to be given to all people through his descendants. What is a blessing? (Psalms 21:3-4)

7 God’s Promises to Abraham Fulfilled in Christ AbrahamJesus Descendants as a Great Nation Genesis 12: 1-3 Luke 4:43; John 18:36 Promised LandGenesis 15: 7-21 John 14:2 Blessing of Eternal Life Genesis 22John 3:16; 6:54, 68

8 Why did God change Abraham’s name? God gave him a new name to show his covenant and new mission in life. When do we see names given? Baptism Confirmation Religious vows, wives take husband’s name, the Pope takes a new name. Taking a new name is important. It marks a new direction in our lives.

9 What virtues did Abraham exhibit? Faith Trust Obedience How can you follow Abraham’s example in your relationship with God?


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