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Week 4 The Call of Abraham, the Choice of a People Sin and its impact continue unabated. Primeval history reaches its fruitless climax with construction.

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2 Week 4 The Call of Abraham, the Choice of a People Sin and its impact continue unabated. Primeval history reaches its fruitless climax with construction of Tower of Babel. Motivating force is sinful man’s insecurity (11:4b). A monument to man’s attempt to control his own destiny. God scatters sinful man, literally causing them to fulfill command to “fill the earth.”

3 Week 4 The Call of Abraham, the Choice of a People Once again we see God’s redemptive activity as He selects a people to join Him in His redemptive activity. The genealogy of Shem (11:10-31) leads us out of old world into the time of patriarchs. The call of Abraham signals God’s intention to work through a chosen people to bless the nations. The focus is on a son of promise and a land of promise. The continuing selection of the “younger son” demonstrates God’s grace and sovereignty.

4 Week 4 The Call of Abraham, the Choice of a People a)A Call and a Response – God’s covenant was from the beginning a matter of faith and not law (Gal. 3:6). – God has chosen to work through an obedient people to expand His kingdom. b) Blessed to Bless – Father of a great nation – Receive God’s blessing—presence, provision, and protection – God will make his name great – The blessing must be conveyed not consumed

5 Week 4 The Call of Abraham, the Choice of a People c) Abram Begins a Journey of Faith – Abram is quickly tested by famine. – The only structures he left behind were places of worship. – God reveals many of his “names” (attributes) to Abram as He builds his faith. – The faithfulness of God to His promises is a major theme.

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