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Start Bell Quiz on Scale Get out your notes Get out your notes Get a plastic cup from the front and sit by at least 1 person. Get a plastic cup from the.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Bell Quiz on Scale Get out your notes Get out your notes Get a plastic cup from the front and sit by at least 1 person. Get a plastic cup from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Bell Quiz on Scale Get out your notes Get out your notes Get a plastic cup from the front and sit by at least 1 person. Get a plastic cup from the front and sit by at least 1 person.



4 Rhythm Rhythm is defined as continuous, recurrent, or organized movement. Rhythm is defined as continuous, recurrent, or organized movement. Leads the eye from one point to another and creates motion. Leads the eye from one point to another and creates motion. It allows for underlying unity and evolving variety in a design. It allows for underlying unity and evolving variety in a design.

5 TYPES OF RHYTHM Rhythm by Repetition Rhythm by Repetition Rhythm by Gradation Rhythm by Gradation Rhythm by Radiation Rhythm by Radiation Rhythm by Opposition Rhythm by Opposition Rhythm by Transition Rhythm by Transition

6 Rhythm By Repetition Rhythm created by duplicating (repeating) shapes, colors, pattern, line, texture. Rhythm created by duplicating (repeating) shapes, colors, pattern, line, texture. Beams in the ceiling are repeated. Beams in the ceiling are repeated. Window panes, repeat. Window panes, repeat. Stripes on ottoman and chair are repeated. Stripes on ottoman and chair are repeated.

7 Rhythm by Repetition…  Continuous related movement.  Natural textures and patterns of the earth.




11 Rhythm By Gradation Rhythm created by a gradual change in size or color. Paint on the wall changes gradually in value.

12 Rhythm by Gradation…  Completed by increasing or decreasing one or more qualities.  It suggests an onward motion by successive changes toward a goal. Nesting Tables


14 Rhythm By Radiation Rhythm created by objects coming from a central axis. Rhythm created by objects coming from a central axis.


16 Rhythm by Radiation…  All parts of a composition are balanced and repeated around a center.  Petals of a daisy, Chairs around a table, Circular objects such as plates, bowls, light fixtures, textile patterns, hanging plants and chandeliers


18 Rhythm By Opposition Rhythm created by lines meeting at right angles or contrasting colors. Contrasting black and white tiles. The lines intersecting at right angles.

19 Rhythm by Opposition  The direct placement of forms or colors to create opposition by an abrupt change.  Ornate objects placed in quiet backgrounds, Old versus new, Round forms next to square ones, Red next to green (complementary colors)





24 Rhythm By Transition Rhythm created by curved lines that carry your eye across a straight surface. Rhythm created by curved lines that carry your eye across a straight surface. Window treatments that gently swag down, create a soft rhythm by transition. Window treatments that gently swag down, create a soft rhythm by transition.

25 Rhythm by Transition  Often subtle.  Leads the eye in a gentle, continuous, uninterrupted visual flow from one area to another or object to another.  Curved lines are a sign of transition.




29 Rhythm The key to rhythm is continuity. The key to rhythm is continuity. The organized movement of recurring or developing patterns into a connected whole. The organized movement of recurring or developing patterns into a connected whole. It’s all about the movement! It’s all about the movement!

30 Repetition? Repetition? Gradation? Gradation? Radiation? Radiation? Opposition? Opposition? Transition? Transition? Where do you see rhythm? Discuss with your nieghbor

31 Where do you see rhythm? HGTV



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