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Standards & Satisfaction basics Agenda 1.What is SnS? 2.Measures of success 3.16 Standards 4.Firefighting 5.ICB & NCB 6.NPS 7.Exchange Program Polices.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards & Satisfaction basics Agenda 1.What is SnS? 2.Measures of success 3.16 Standards 4.Firefighting 5.ICB & NCB 6.NPS 7.Exchange Program Polices."— Presentation transcript:


2 Standards & Satisfaction basics

3 Agenda 1.What is SnS? 2.Measures of success 3.16 Standards 4.Firefighting 5.ICB & NCB 6.NPS 7.Exchange Program Polices 8.LC activities to manage SnS

4 1. What is SnS

5 If we are not meeting our standards, then we are not delivering our leadership development promise

6 What is SnS? Quality Standard & Satisfaction We don`t use word ‘Quality’ anymore, instead we use ‘Standards and Satisfaction’. WHY? 1. Word “Quality” is not measurable. 2. People has different perceptions of this word. For example: for someone quality is living in 5 stars hotel and for someone is to have just a place to sleep at night.

7 WHY HOW WHAT Golden Circle

8 Result Once we implement 16 Standards and Team minimum in all 4 our programs (GCDP, GIP, TMP, TLP) we can ensure that we are developing LEADERS who are world citizen, self aware, able to empower others and solution oriented.

9 2. Measures of success

10 MoS of SnS To measure Standard and Satisfaction delivery we have NPS system that is the main measure of success. In same time there are other different indicators that can measure our success, such as response rate, open cases situation, standards implementation rate. Max 15% Detractors 63%+ Promoters 48 NPS 40 %+ Response rate (RR) Max 48 hrs case follow up 0 open case 100% Standards implementation

11 3. 16 Standards

12 16 Standards 16 Standards – list of minimum criteria that needs to be fulfilled in exchange program. Team Minimum – document that provides minimum standards for the team experience.

13 Logistics

14 Job

15 Living

16 4. Firefighting

17 Support and communication channels 1. EP/TN manager2. LCVP or LCP USA/Abroad 3. National Control Board USA 4. Internal Control Board Firefighting – responding unsatisfied customers and solving the issues they have. Open case – complain received from EP and not being followed up. Case in progress – complain received and needed people have been contacted to resolve it. Closed case – problem is solved. Levels of communication during case solving. Note! Do not skip levels. Contact people from next stage only in case you are not able to solve problem with previous contacted group.

18 5. ICB & NCB

19 Chair Case Solving CommConsultancyECBAudit ICB Structure NCB (National Control Board) – national body responsible for XPP and national quality regulations principles co-creation, education, implementation; quality management of exchange program; last decision making body on national level towards exchange process regulations. ICB (Internal Control Board) – final body in international level to provide consultancy and case solution based on XPP (Exchange Program Polices). ICB & NCB

20 5. NPS

21 Net Promoter Score NPS (Net Promoter Score) - is a management tool that shows the loyalty of a firm's customer relationships (measured from-100 to 100). Calculated as: NPS = % promoters - % detractors. NPS survey – feedback form for customer TMP/TLP/GCDP/GIP experience. Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others. Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who easily can accept competitive offerings. Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and decrease growth through negative word-of-mouth. RR (Response rate) - % of people that filled NPS survey.

22 7. Exchange Program Polices

23 XPP XPP (Exchange Program Polices) – international document of exchange rules and principles that are obligatory to follow. Check last version of XPP in: HERE

24 8. LC activities to manage SnS

25 Standards&Satisfaction 48 NPS Structure Monthly goal 16 Standards & Team minimum implementation Firefighting Response rate improvement Evaluation Define SnS responsible and their clear JD - Create SnS year plan - Set monthly goal (NPS score + to DOs) Ensure implementation of the standards in all stages of the customer flow - Establish easy communication channel & make sure everyone knows and use it - Respond fast - Run weekly SnS evaluation in EBM - Organize monthly/quarter/ year reviews of NPS score and action steps to improve it - Ensure all stakeholders knows meaning and timeline of NPS survey - Track EPs to reply - Use refund or discount system - Give EPs who replied certificates of completing the exchange How to maintain SnS in my LC?

26 Take into account Impression of communication and professionalism Logistical preparation process Complete Phase (after internship) Ma Phase (before internship) Re Phase (during internship) Organize reception activities First impression about project and members Set right expectations Physical chance to solve the case JD alignment evaluation Support during realization evaluation Can not be solved physically

27 Questions to answer with your team 1.Do you fulfill ALL the standards? 2.At what percentage each of them? 3.How’s been the implementation so far? 4.What is the firefighting procedure in your LC? 5.How do you set expectations with your trainees? EPs? 6.What are your main detractor issues? Why? 7.What are you doing to over come each of them?

28 Make implementation plan Top Detractor Issue CauseStrategy to overcome Responsible(s): name of person Imp. Channel Deadline 1. 2. 3.

29 For more info, please contact: Adriana Villar A. MCVP oGIP Rachel Movius MCVP oGCDP National Control Board, Chair Internal Control Board Happy Fox

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