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ModelMart Industry-leading Model Management Group Modeling Issues Manually sharing models Hinders individual productivity Limits development coordination.

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2 ModelMart Industry-leading Model Management

3 Group Modeling Issues Manually sharing models Hinders individual productivity Limits development coordination Does not provide a means to implement standards

4 ModelMart Positioning ModelMart is the first multi-user modeling environment with real-world features that make coordinated large- scale modeling possible.

5 Key Roles in Enterprise Modeling n The Modeler n The Development Manager n The Standards Administrator

6 Just don’t Bug Me Key Roles and Requirements The Modeler Needs Continued productivity Minimal Obstacles Integration with existing workflow

7 ModelMart Provides n Uninterrupted workflow n Impact analysis See affect of proposed change Proceed with update or not n Complete integration with ERwin and BPwin

8 ModelMart is Seamlessly Integrated Using a ModelMart Server......Is as easy as working locally on your PC

9 The Change Manager …Before updating the shared models View the Impact of Changes

10 The Change Manager Movie Toggle Off unwanted updates !

11 The Model Integration Hub

12 The Manager needs services for automated group interaction Security Project Organization Team Collaboration Versioning Key Roles and Requirements My hands are full!

13 Comprehensive Security n Integrated with network and database security n Access Control by: User Profile Group Profile Library Model Sub-model

14 Project Organization n Library Management n Sub-Modeling used when: Security requires access restricted to only part of a model Model grow so large as to be unwieldy A single model crosses project boundaries (the enterprise model)

15 Automated Collaboration n Concurrent model access n Optional model locking n Re-integration of off-line changes n Model merging n Cross-model reporting

16 Intelligent Conflict Resolution ModelMart clearly identifies properties that modelers in conflict are updating within the same time period. Details of the conflict along with user information provides a basis for resolving the conflict.

17 Versioning & Archiving n Performance conscious versioning Only delta objects kept n An archive rolls up all the delta version in a full model archive Auto Archive option n Report on differences n Restore to current model

18 The Standards Administrator Needs: Reuse mechanisms Standard security Meta data extension capability Reporting and navigation Key Roles and Requirements

19 MM Standards Implementation n Standard objects n Sub-model security on models n Combination of ModelMart sharing mechanisms with specific standardization capabilities of client tools, such as ERwin’s Independent Attributes and Macro Language, provide powerful naming standards mechanism n User-Defined Properties support custom extensions

20 “There’s no substitute for defining and sticking with corporate standards, and metadata repositories, such as ModelMart … and forthcoming products based on Microsoft’s global repository specification all smooth the path to corporate-wide data definitions standards. Buying into E-Commerce PC Week Feb. 2, 1998 Corporate-wide Standards

21 Who Buys ModelMart? n Existing ERwin and BPwin customers n ERwin and BPwin prospects working on large projects n Groups of 5 or more modelers working in tandem

22 Sales Differentiators n Intelligent, controlled updating vs. dynamic updating n Supports working in offline mode n Low TCO

23 Jasmine Integration The Virtual Repository Jasmine TND Infrastructure Business Processes InformationApplications Manage Models Common Services Common Import & Export Common UI & APIs ADvisor TND ModelMart Persistence R/OEE Harvest Jasmine DB Other System Files Publication Repository

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