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2012 Entomology Test Mid-Buchanan FFA Test Bank. Which group of flies is predatory, often preying on resting insects larger than themselves? A Flower.

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1 2012 Entomology Test Mid-Buchanan FFA Test Bank

2 Which group of flies is predatory, often preying on resting insects larger than themselves? A Flower flies B Horse flies C House flies D Mosquitoes E None of the above e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

3 Which of these beetle groups is known for being the largest scavengers and recyclers of carrion? A Ground beetles B Carrion beetles C Scarab beetles D Stag beetles E none of the above b Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

4 Which beetle repels its predators with an irritation and foul-smelling spray from its abdomen when disturbed? A Bombardier beetle B Tiger beetle C Leaf beetle D Ground beetle E None of these a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

5 The number of beetle species outnumbers all the kinds of plants on earth. A False B True False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

6 Carolus Linneaus discovered the modern method of beekeeping. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

7 Ambush bugs are known to prey on butterflies, robber flies, and bumblebees. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

8 The typical insect abdomen has 11 segments. A True B False True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

9 The scientific name for a species always has two parts. A True B False True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

10 The hardness of the exoskeleton is due to the amount of chitin it contains. A False B True False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

11 Shipworms are one type of insect larva that can be a pest. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

12 There are normally just two spiracles per body segment in insects. A False B True True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

13 Two groups of wasps that do not sting are the horntails and the velvet ants. A False B True False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

14 The hardened, leathery forewings of beetles are called cerci. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

15 Which of the following insect sound-detecting organs is most similar to the human ear? A Cerci B Antennae C Tympanum D Mandible E None of these b Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

16 The organs used for smelling in insects are called _________ organs. A Olfactory B Visual C Tactile D Stridulatory E none of the above a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

17 Pollution that comes from a specific, identifiable location is called: A Set-point B Specific-area C Plot-source D Position-source E none of the above e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

18 What part of the insect body does NOT possess external openings to the breathing system? A Head B Thorax C Abdomen a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

19 In social bees and wasps, fertilized eggs become A Females B Workers C Queens D All of these d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

20 The mutual exchange of food between members of a social insect colony is called A Cooperation B Trophallaxis C Trophism D Mutualism E None of these b Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

21 Which of the following senses do insects use their antennae for? A Smelling B Touching C Tasting D All of these d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

22 Crickets make sound to aid in courtship. A False B True True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

23 The mouthpart adapted for handling food as it is placed into the mouth is the: A Labium B None of these C Maxilla D Mandible a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

24 Which of the following is NOT a feature of the insect circulatory system? A None of these B Food transport C Waste transport D Oxygen transport d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

25 All insects have a heart. A False B True True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

26 Most species of cockroaches are nocturnal. A False B True True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

27 Which of the following tools is used for capturing aboveground crawling insects? A Aerial net B Berlese funnel C Pitfall trap D Beating tray E None of these c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

28 In which of the following insects do only the females suck blood? A Mosquito B Bed bug C Flea D Louse E None of these a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

29 All arthropods have an exoskeleton made of cellulose. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

30 The only social bees are honeybees and bumblebees. A True B False True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

31 61. Which of these is the largest family in the animal kingdom, with more than 40,000 species worldwide? A Ladybird beetles B Longhorned beetles C Ground beetles D Leaf beetles E None of the above e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

32 Secretions of insects may produce swollen masses of plant tissue on stems or leaves called: A Nodules B Buds C Galls D Stamens E None of these c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

33 Wide bodied insects less than 6mm long should be mounted on A Cardboard point B Cork triangle C Pinning supports D Spreading board E None of the above a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

34 Insect blood enters their heart at the front and leaves toward the back. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

35 Which of the following is NOT commonly used by entomologists as a killing agent or preservative for insects? A Ethyl alcohol B Ethyl acetate C Acetone D Potassium Cyanide E None of these e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

36 Which of the following insect groups does NOT have complete metamorphosis? A House flies B Ants C Weevils D Lacewings E None of these d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

37 Which of these insects has elytra? A Housefly B Ladybug C Butterfly D Wasp E None of the above b Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

38 Which of these insects transmits plague? A Bed bug B Lice C Flea D Mosquito E None of the above c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

39 Immature spider wasps catch and eat spiders as prey. A True B False False Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

40 A proboscis is associated with which kind of mouthparts? A Sponging B None of these C Sucking D Chewing c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

41 Immature terrestrial insects that resemble the adult stage are called: A Pupae B Naiads C Nymphs D Larvae E none of these c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

42 Which of these insect groups have larvae called maggots? A Lepidoptera B None of these C Coleoptera D Hymenoptera E Diptera e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

43 A standard insect label contains all of the following information, EXCEPT: A Date B Collector C County D State E None of these e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

44 Which type of mouthparts is designed specifically to consume liquid food? A Siphoning B Sponging C Piercing-sucking D All of these d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

45 How many regions are there in the insect digestive system? A Three B Four C Two D None of these a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

46 What do insect's tympanic organs do? A Taste B Touch C See D Smell E hear e Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

47 What is a spreading board useful for? A Pinning insects with large wings B Organizing pinned insects in display drawers C Collecting insects from bushes and shrubs D None of these a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

48 Which of these terms describes insects that go through incomplete metamorphosis? A Ametabolous B None of these C Hemimetabolous D Holometabolous c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

49 Most arthropods are small because they have an exoskeleton. A True B False True Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

50 Which of the following groups is the favorite food of many fish? A Dragonflies B House flies C Mosquitoes D Water boatmen E none of these d Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

51 What is the substance that is used to preserve many soft-bodied insects? A Sodium chloride B Ethyl alcohol C Ethanol D Ethanol E Hydrogen peroxide B or c Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

52 Which of the following formulations are not easily carried by moving air? A Granules B All of these C Aerosols D Wettable powders a Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

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