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Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 3.01: Apply the Elements of Design

2 Elements of Design Line Form Space Mass Texture Color

3 The elements of design work together to help create the mood of a room.

4 Most basic element of design. Line establishes direction.

5 Horizontal Line Found in fireplace mantels, bookcases, long sofas, …..
Communicates feelings of relaxation, calmness, and restfulness. Think of: Found in fireplace mantels, bookcases, long sofas, …..

6 Horizontal Line Restful

7 Vertical Lines Cause your eye to move up and down suggesting height, strength, dignity, and stability.

8 Vertical Line

9 Diagonal Lines Communicate activity and action. Think
Found in roof lines, cathedral ceilings, staircases….

10 Diagonal Lines

11 Diagonal Lines

12 Curved Lines Curved lines communicate softness, calmness, and openness. Think Found in sinks, tubs, dishes, mirrors, pottery….

13 Curved Lines Calming

14 Curved Line

15 2. FORM Form is the PHYSICAL SHAPE of objects.

16 Form can be realistic, abstract, geometric, and free.
Have you ever heard of a courting couch?

17 Realistic Form – when a form looks like the real thing.

18 Abstract Form – rearranges or stylizes a recognizable object.

19 Geometric Form – uses squares, rectangles, circles, and other geometric figures to create form.

20 Free form is random and flowing

21 Three guidelines for using form:
“Form follows function.” This means the shape of the item should be based on its intended use.

22 “Related forms are more agreeable than unrelated forms.”

23 “A gradual change in form smoothly directs the eyes.”
What do you think?

24 3. SPACE The area around a form and inside a form
The walls of a room define its space Good design considers the SIZE OF THE SPACE and ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPACE.

25 Large windows and cathedral ceilings create a feeling of openness and more space
Small spaces make you feel cozy

26 4. mass The size or amount of space taken up by the elements
A space can be high mass or low mass.

27 Low mass space: relaxing, peaceful

28 High Mass Space: busy, enhances conversation

29 5. TEXTURE The way a surface feels (TACTILE) or appears to feel (VISUAL).

30 Tactile Texture

31 Visual texture

32 6. Color Color is the most significant element of design
Color can be used to express a person’s individuality or to create a certain mood or illusion Color can make a warm room seem cooler and make a cool room seem warmer.

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