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1 Presentation to the Project XXX Team Prepared by: Change & Communications Team September 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation to the Project XXX Team Prepared by: Change & Communications Team September 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation to the Project XXX Team Prepared by: Change & Communications Team September 2001

2 2 Change & Communications What? Why? How? When?

3 3 Today... Agree team standards Discuss documentation Discuss expectations

4 4 Change “Change means movement. Movement means friction.”

5 5 The Communication Process Organisational Change Management Plan Create/Modify Communication Plan Develop and publish communications Monitor/Assess effectiveness Feedback modifications Update risks and actions

6 6 Target audiences... Our target audiences will be clearly defined A communications strategy will be created for each Important to seek allies who will help counter critics and conservatives

7 7 Channels of communication... One-on-one meetings Specific briefings Presentations Workshops Team meetings Steering Group meetings E mail Direct mail Intranet publishing Project newsletter Organisation newsletters Surveys

8 8 What is Project XXX going to deliver? - objectives Why is this change necessary? - benefits How will XXX affect my job? - impacts When will we start using XXX? - planning Consistent messages...

9 9 The Communications Hub Steering Group Project Champion Project Manager Project Team Directors/Senior Management Divisions Affected Individuals Affected The business indirectly affected Use the communications hub for key messages

10 10 We are all Change Agents... Ideas person Attentive listener Effective communicator Realistic Eager for improvement Restless Good collaborator

11 11 Managing change... Anticipate negative reactions: Rational - misunderstanding of details; belief that change is unnecessary, disbelief in planned change’s effectiveness, expectation of negative consequences Personal - fear of job loss; anxiety about future; resentment at implied criticism of performance; fear of interference from above Emotional - active and/or passive resistance to change in general; lack of involvement; apathy towards initiatives; shock; mistrust of motives behind change

12 12 Mitigation... Be sure to investigate silence thoroughly - it is rarely golden Explain with greater clarity and detail - involve and build trust Thank people for putting forward useful objections and criticisms - (feedback to communications hub) Always be frank and open about any “downside” Use your own commitment to change as an example for others

13 13 Feedback... How are we going to communicate within the team?

14 14 Team Standards... If you don’t know - ask questions, find out Never promise something you or the project cannot deliver Be frank and open - project documents should be freely available Be professional at all times - pay particular attention to the written word and your presentation Use quality controls available to critique work -comms hub

15 15 Team Standards... What does the word ‘professional’ mean for our project team?

16 16 Documentation... Business Activity Scripts Very important documents - the legacy of the project Used for on line documentation and training - long life! Use clear, plain English - familiar ordinary, common words and short sentences Write for the reader - keep it simple If you get stuck - ask for help

17 17 Presentations & workshops... Presentations need to be rehearsed and critiqued Workshops must have a defined outcome Keep slides simple - handout detailed information Use few words Use standard templates Keep a record of who attended

18 18 Written communications... E mail Your professional reputation is at stake when you do business by e mail E mail seems informal - but don’t be careless Limit of one topic per e mail Use a clear, concise subject line and change with each e mail Check with communications hub

19 19 Written communications more... Reports, proposals, memos, faxes Series of standard project templates will be designed Please use - creates a brand image for the project and helps achieve ‘cut through’ Standard Font - Arial 11 point

20 20 Expectations... Be concise when allocating tasks to people within the business: Decide exactly what you want the person or group to do Draw up specific tasks (for each person if necessary) Discuss these plans with each person Set a defined time for the completion of the task Check progress

21 21 Expectations more... What does the business expect from the project team?

22 22 Summary... Looked at the what, why, how and when of the change and communications function Agreed to team standards Discussed documentation standards and approval process (where necessary) Discussed expectations - ‘within’ and ‘without’

23 23 Questions?

24 24 Phases of a Project - be prepared! Excitement Enthusiasm Confusion Panic Blame the innocent Blueprint Realisation Final Preparation Go-Live

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