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Firefighter III Module B Water Supply (4-19) (4-19)

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1 Firefighter III Module B Water Supply (4-19) (4-19)

2 3-8.1. Identify the pipe sizes used in water distribution systems for residential, business, and industrial districts: (4-19.10) Pipe sizes:  I. Pipe sizes:  a) Fire hydrant supply:  i) Residential- six inches.  ii) Business- eight inches.  iii) Industrial- 12 inches.  b) Cross mains (distributors)- eight inches.  c) Secondary feeders- 12 inches.  d) Primary feeders- 16 inches.

3 3-8.1. Identify the pipe sizes used in water distribution systems for residential, business, and industrial districts: (4-19.10)

4  II. Water main valves:  a) Indicating:  i) Post indicating valve  ii) OS & Y  b) Non- indicating valves:  i) Gate valves  ii) Butterfly valves- most common type.

5 3-8.2. Identify the following terms as they relate to water supply: (4-19.4)  3-8.2.1. Head pressure: The pressure generated by the height of a water source above the discharge source.  3-8.2.2. Static pressure: Pressure exerted when water is not flowing.  3-8.2.3. Residual pressure: Pressure left at a specific location when a quantity of water is flowing.

6 3-8.2. Identify the following terms as they relate to water supply: (4-19.4)  3-8.2.4. Flow pressure: Forward velocity pressure at a discharge opening.  3-8.2.5. Normal operating pressure: Pressure which is found during consumption demands.  3-8.2.6. Friction loss: Part of the total pressure that is lost while forcing water through pipe, fittings, hose line, and adaptors.

7 3-8.3. Identify the following types of water main valves: (4-19.5)  3-8.3.1. Indicating:  A. Visually shows the position of the gate or valve seat (closed, partially closed, or open).  B. Valves used in private fire protection systems.


9 3-8.3. Identify the following types of water main valves: (4- 19.5)  3-8.3.2. Non- indicating:  A. Valves used in public water systems.  B. Normally buried or installed in manholes.  C. If properly installed, operate valve from above ground through valve box.  D. A special socket on the end of a reach rod (valve key) is used to operate valve.

10 3-8.4. Identify two causes of increased resistance of friction loss in water mains. (4- 19.11)  A. Encrustation of minerals.  B. Sedimentation

11 3-8.5. Given a pitot tube and gauge read and record flow pressures from three different size orifices. (4-19.9). Use of pitot tubes:  I. Use of pitot tubes:  a) Open petcock on tube.  b) Drain air chamber and then close petcock.  c) Edge blade into stream with small opening being centered in the stream and held a distance of ½ the diameter of the orifice from the opening.  d) Hold the pitot tube parallel to the outlet opening with the air chamber kept above the horizontal plane passing through the center of the stream.  e) Take and record the velocity pressure reading from gauge.


13 3-8.6. Identify apparatus, equipment, and appliances required to provide water at rural locations by relay pumping. (4-19.7)  I. Apparatus:  a) Pumpers:  i) Pumper with the highest pumping capacity is at water source. ii) Number of pumpers determined by:  ii) Number of pumpers determined by:  (1) Volume of water needed  (2) Distance  (3) Hose size  (4) Amount of hose available  (5) Pumper capacity


15 3-8.6. Identify apparatus, equipment, and appliances required to provide water at rural locations by relay pumping. (4-19.7) II. Equipment and appliances: a) Hose (supply) b) Hose (capable of being connected to source) c) Adapters necessary to connect pumpers

16 3-8.7. Identify apparatus, equipment, and appliances required to provide water at rural locations by a mobile water supply apparatus shuttle. (4-19.7)  I. Apparatus:  a) Attack apparatus at fire.  b) Fill apparatus at fill site- 1000 gpm minimum.  c) Mobile water supply apparatus.

17 3-8.7. Identify apparatus, equipment, and appliances required to provide water at rural locations by a mobile water supply apparatus shuttle. (4-19.7)  II. Equipment and appliances:  a) Portable water tanks.  b) Low-level intake devices.  c) Jet siphon.  d) Heavy tarp.  e) Hard suction hose.  f) Supply hose for filling tankers.  g) Adapters necessary to connect at fill sites.


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