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Chapter 21: Normalcy and Good Times (1921-1929). Growing up Harding!  1920 campaign slogan “Return to Normalcy”  Appointed “Ohio Gang” as members of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21: Normalcy and Good Times (1921-1929). Growing up Harding!  1920 campaign slogan “Return to Normalcy”  Appointed “Ohio Gang” as members of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21: Normalcy and Good Times (1921-1929)

2 Growing up Harding!  1920 campaign slogan “Return to Normalcy”  Appointed “Ohio Gang” as members of cabinet “…The air [would be] heavy with tobacco smoke, trays with bottles containing every imaginable brand of whiskey…cards and poker chips at hand-a general atmosphere of waistcoat unbuttoned, feet on desk, and spittoons alongside…”

3 The Teapot Dome Scandal  Albert B. Fall- leased lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming, and Elk Hills, California.  Bribes totaled more than $300,000  1st cabinet officer in history to go to prison

4 Harding Scandals, Cont’d.  Attorney General Harry Daugherty

5 Silent Cal  Born July 4 th 1872  Asked to run as Harding’s VP  “Silent in 5 languages”  Prosperity= business leadership; interfere as little as possible  1924-“Keep cool with Coolidge”  “The chief business of the American people is business” –Calvin Coolidge Speech in Washington, Jan. 17, 1925

6 A Growing Economy  Real per capita earnings soared 22% between 1923 and 1929  Work hours decreased shifts from 12 hrs -> 8 hrs  Henry Ford cuts work week from 6 -> 5 days  2 week paid vacation for employees

7 Ford Motor Company 1908 $850 1914 $490 1917 $360 1924 $295

8 Consumer Goods in the 1920s  Credit-installment plans Americans bought 75% of their radios and 60% of their automobiles on the installment plan throughout the 1920s.

9 Farm Crisis: 1920s Earned less than 1/3 of average income for workers in rest of economy Due to fertilizers, pesticides, farm machinery Low prices of crops!

10 Supply side economics  Andrew Mellon-secretary of the treasury  Cut government spending  Lower taxes = businesses and consumers spending and investing their $$$  Believed this would cause the economy to grow

11 Foreign Affairs  Dawes Plan-Post WWI  Washington Conference  Kellogg-Briand Pact

12 Amelia Earhart 1897-1937  Flew solo across the Atlantic  1937 attempted to fly world with her navigator  2/3 of trip covered when plane disappeared

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